The Perfect Close with James Muir #132

James Muir Perfect CloseThe Perfect Close with James Muir

James Muir is a Corporate trainer and executive coach for NextGen Healthcare. James specializes in training and coaching executives in B2B complex sales. James came into sales as a technical domain expert and at first struggled on how to ask for the sale. Through experience he learned to overcome this hurdle and  has published a new book titled “The Perfect Close”.  Closing is not as hard as you might think!

Sales Call Preparation

Before going into a meeting have an outcome in mind. Assume the conversation will  go in multiple directions. Have two alternatives prepared when that happens. These are  used to ADVANCE the sale.

Two Perfect Close Questions:

Use these two questions for the perfect close.

Question #1
Does it make sense for us to X?

X is the next Advance e.g does it make sense to set up an assessment or pilot.

Two possible answers YES or NO. If YES proceed to advance the sale. If NO ask  question #2

Question #2
What’s a good next step?
90% of the time the client will suggest an advance that’s appropriate for where they are at.

This paces the sales cycle. It sets the speed of the sale that’s comfortable for the client.  If they are not sure what’s next, use prepared advances e.g. …. other customers have tended to do this……

Always have an agenda and it’s critical you give value in every meeting (Some aha moment).

Five versions of question #2

You can mix up question 2  depending on the situation:

1. “What’s the next step?”
2. Would you like me to make a suggestion?
3. Have a fall back statement where you make a suggestion if they say no….
4. The add on …. “Other customers commonly do this …..
5. “Does it make sense to see if I can do something special by the end of the quarter to see if we can wrap this up?”   The goal here is to minimize giving a discount.

How to Find James Muir

Get three free chapters of “The Perfect Close” here.

You can find James all over Social Media:


Closing Sales Tips

Here are some other great episodes on closing. Download them today!

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