Buyer-Based Selling with Josh Braun #258

Josh Braun Sales Babble Sales Podcast

Buyer-Based Selling with Josh Braun #258

Josh Braun Sales Babble Sales PodcastYou can be the greatest salesman in the world. But if the buyer isn’t struggling with a problem you can solve, you’re not going to make the sale.  More than 70 percent of B2B buyers fully define their needs before contacting a sales rep.  According to a new report from CSO Insights, almost half the buyers identify specific solutions before reaching out.  They know what they want and they’re informed. The internet has vastly changed the landscape towards buyer-based selling.  In 2019, this is the reality – buyers dictate the sales process.

In this sales podcast episode we meet Josh Braun the founder of Sales DNA, a company that helps  CEO’s and VP’s of Sales who want to increase cold outreach response rates and set more meetings. Josh  shares his beliefs in buyer-based selling and shares  concrete examples you can increase your response rates and set more meetings.

Don’t Study Selling

Business students should stop studying selling and instead study buying.  Although we are all buyers, too often we don’t look at the situation from the buyers point of view.  How often has this happened to you?

  • During the conversation the buyer sounds positive, they “get” what you’re talking about
  • When you follow up as promised, you can’t get them to respond.
  • You follow up and follow up, but no luck.
  • You thought they wanted to move forward, but the deal never happens.

This is the problem: we’re not taught how people buy, why people buy and why they don’t buy . As sellers our goal is to have someone take a call, schedule a meeting, sign an order form or pay an invoice. But in the end those goals have nothing to do with the buyers intent. The buyer is not interested. They don’t need us.

This is the harsh truth: the prospect is probably doing fine without you.


Josh has a mental model he calls the struggle-o-meter.  He uses it to measure the severity of the problem a buyer experiences. Instead of assuming everything you sell has value, Josh recommends asking open ended questions to better understand the problem, then gauging whether to go forward.

  1. Problem is an opportunity to sell, but often the problem isn’t that bad. The problem must be in the red zone before they switch. If you think like a buyer, you can gauge if they are on the low end of the struggle-o-meter, or the high end. Don’t pitch until they are on the high end.
  2. If they are not ready to buy, put them into an email campaign. Drip out useful emails that slowly keeps you top of mind. Over time the pain will rise and when it does , it’s time to reach out again.

Take Action

By questioning with  finesse, you can dig into their motivation and better understand. Your solution has no value without a struggle.

How to Connect with Josh Braun

His website at Sales DNA

His BadAss Growth Guide

Josh on LinkedIn

Cold Calling Tips

Work on your cold calling today by listening the Sales Babble Sales Podcast!

5 Things Sellers Can Do To Erase Sales Fear with Kristy Ellington #257

Kristy Ellington Sales Babble Sales Podcast

5 Things Sellers Can Do To Erase Fear with Kristy Ellington #257

Kristy Ellington Sales Babble Sales PodcastFear is a real issue in sales, one that can be debilitating to the point of failure and firing. Our guest is Kristy Ellington. Kristy is an expert in overcoming fear and she walks us through her research, things she found true,  and advice on how sellers can turn that around. She has a 5 step process that sellers can use to overcome  sales fears and we babble about her NAMES process on this sales podcast.

Call Reluctance

Even seasoned sellers have moments where they hesitate to pick up the phone and dial. They are unsure exactly what to say, and they are uncertain if they will receive a question they can’t answer. Even Pat feels this at times, especially in a startup situation promoting a new product or service.  This is human. The trick is to not let the sales fears stop you dead in your tracks.

Imposter Syndrome

70% of executives experience imposter syndrome, a deep fear that people will find out that they don’t know what they’re doing and have the position by dumb luck. You are not alone if you feel this way. You are not a fraud.   We all have this experience at times.

How To Overcome Sales Fears

Fear is not a defect, it’s something everyone has. Don’t play into it and go into a death spiral. Instead focus on the NAMES process and shift the fear from you and focus on the sale:

  1. Notice- you are feeling anxiety and fear. Mindfulness.
  2. Acknowledge – where you feel it in your body,
  3. Make a connection where the fear is coming from.  Past experience most likely
  4. Evaluate that the fear you are feeling is happening right now.
  5. Shift your focus to your client.

How To Find Kristy Ellington

Free Trigger Emotions Infographic:
Free 30 Minute Sales Fear Coaching Session:

Master Your Cold Calling Fear With This 4 Step Script – Anniversary Episode #200

Master Your Cold Calling Fear With This 4 Step Script

One of the most difficult steps in sales is cold calling. It’s a task dripping with anxiety, dread and reluctance. People want to be loved and respected. Inserting ourselves into a place that yields rejection is scary. But this is the problem.  Prospects rarely seek out vendors and buy. Waiting around for the phone to ring is a bad plan. So it falls on the seller to make the first move. That first move is often on the telephone.  You need to master your cold calling fear. 

My definition of a cold call is when you reach out to prospect and they’re not expecting the call. You only have a few seconds to elicit interest making it tricky work. The trick is to have a service mindset focused on learning about the client, understanding their situation, then ascertaining if you can help.

To make this lesson real, we’ll use an example of a real phone call. This call contains a series of steps. Each step has a reason and builds on the previous step.

Do you stink at cold calling? Having a  cold-call script you trust stops call reluctance. Meet Pat, build that script and start setting appointments today. Register for the  Conquer the Cold Call Consultation

First 10 are free with the coupon code “coldcall”

ACME Everlast Cold Call

Pat: Hi Mike, This is Pat Helmers from ACME Everlast You and I just connected on LinkedIn Did I catch you at a bad time. Do you have 1 minute?


P: We help business  owners keep their data safe from costly  feral squirrel hackers.

You’ve heard about the squirrel attacks right?


P: I’m calling because we have a special assessment program to review your vulnerability to squirrels this month and we’re looking for companies between 20-100 employees and I noticed on your website you have Database solution for Oak forest management and by the way that’s a great looking website!


P: Have you been attacked by the squirrels


P: What would happen if you were to lose the integrity of your database?


P: Really, what else


P: What else


P: What else


P:So that would be bad…


P: And you’ve not done an assessment on your system before?


P: I’m curious what’s held you back…


P: What else?


P: Interesting… what else?


P: Yes I’ve heard that before…. What else?


P:…….pause …….Sounds it sounds like you’re concerned about a squirrel attack and you’re willing to do something about it but at the same time you want to make sure that you’re making an informed decision that doesn’t cost you and arm and a leg.  Is that about right?

M: pause………YEAH I GUESS SO

P: Mike we’ve been doing this for a long time. We just did a company in your town called Soup to Nuts and found 15 breaches open to squirrel attacks. They said the same thing you said.. .if their system was to be attacked it could cost them millions   We did a free assessment on them and for a very economical investment they were able to remediate their system and avoid calamity. This isn’t really a question of if but when. Do you think this will happen to you too?


P: Have you ever had your credit card numbers stolen?


P: It’s the same thing right?


P: If we were to do this assessment, who’s the tech person in your organization we would work with?


P: Mary?


P: Do you think we could start working with Mary Smith tomorrow to get an assessment started?


P: Could you check your email Mike, I just sent you a link do you see it?

M: ……….pause……….YES

P: Great, click on the link and  fill in Mary’s contact info.    What’s her phone number?

M: OH IT’S 630- 76-334

P: Let’s see is we can get this schedule for next week. I’ll give Mary a call later today.  Sound good


P: Great Mike, well thanks for helping set this up with Mary and when it’s done I’d like to set up a meeting with you for the results. Do you have your calendar up, would this time next week work?


P: Great;  Again thanks Mike for everything and for all your help.

Design of a Cold Call

Let’s walk through the dialogue step by step and explain what’s going on. Each statement I made has a reason. Notice that most of them are questions. The entire script is choreographed with the following goals:

  1. Connect with the prospect so they agree to have a conversation
  2. Discover their pain or desires
  3. Assess if they are qualified to buy my products or services
  4. Show how my products/services address the problems and desire they just mentioned
  5. Get them to agree to a follow up meeting ie. get an appointment.
  6. The goal is to set up an appointment and to do this whole call in just a few minutes.

Step by step breakdown of call

This scripts assumes you’ve done your homework and have a good idea they are a qualified buyer. You can learn amazing things on social media, their website and the demographic of the  customers they serve. It also assumes that you have a value proposition. We’ve covered this in length already but if you can’t easily explain that  you serve a specific market with a specific set of needs and desires by provide a specific product/service/solution that have a set of specific benefits. The goal of any cold call is to schedule an appointment.

Step One: Call

ONE- Call – Dial, Read the script and get permission to engage in a conversation

  • Ask for them by name and mention how you know them. I’m a big fan of LinkedIn and use it to warm them up. This is what’s called social selling. When you see those ads that say “Never cold call again!”, that’s what they’re doing. But it doesn’t have to be social selling. You could also say, I met you at a networking meeting, or a conference, or someone recommended you reach out to them. Make it seem natural that you and they have a common connection and it makes sense for the two of you to be communicating.
  • When they agree give you a minute of their time, the power shifts from them to you. They’ve given you permission to take a bit of their time. Use this gift wisely.
  • Quickly get to the punch sharing your  value proposition .

Step Two: Share Reason

Use value proposition to share  reason your calling

  • I have a reason for calling. In this situation we have a special offer. The reason doesn’t need to be all that important. Maybe you’re going to  be in town next Tuesday. Maybe you just launched a new product.  etc…  Always have a reason. Short and sweet.

Step 3: Qualify

Ask questions and listen if prospect qualified

  • Immediately start asking them questions. The more they talk, the higher likelihood you can advance the sale. Turn this into a natural conversation, not a presentation or worse, a lecture. Don’t fall into “selling telling”. If I’m talking more than a couple minutes i have an internal timer fire off and I start getting concerned I’m boring them or not adding value. So I ask a question to make sure they are still engage.
  • Compliment them. In this case I said nice things about their website. No matter how good or bad it is, it’s good for you. It gives you insight into the kind of company they are. When doing outside sales calls I always complimented the building or something in the  persons office. Do what comes natural if you’re talking to someone you already know.
  • Keep asking questions and truly listen to their answers. Have you been attacked, if you got a attacked what would happen? How would it cost you? Discover their pain and the  ramifications of their pain.
  • Find out if your competition as already beat you to this customer
  • Don’t cut them off keep them talking. Keep the conversation going by asking What Else. When I was in college I worked for a marketing company during the summer. I was one of those people who stood with a clipboard in the mall asking people questions about consumer products like cars, rice and beer. One trick they taught us to say what else after every open ended question. It was amazing what people would say. Often it was the third, fourth or fifth question before they really got to the thing that mattered most to them. What Else.  In the end you will know if they are qualified.
  • Don’t argue or debate over their objections. They are concerned about cost, quality, profit, time and being conned.You can’t  blame them given all the sketchy sales people out there. Let them know you’re listening respectfully
  • Once all the what elses are done, show how you overcome their concerns. Use examples of successful past clients. Offer free services to instigate a follow up in-person sales call.
  • Once they agree they have a problem that’s a huge step forward. In this case I ask about the possibility of doing a free assessment. I start acting like an employee of the company and helping them figure out who and when I can work with the right staff, in this case Mary.  But it could be just asking if a time to meet works for them within the next two weeks. This is the WHOLE GOAL of this phone call, to get scheduled 1 on 1 appointment.
  • Notice I ask about possibility. This way I don’t get a hard no answer. Most anything is possible. If they can agree to a possibility, you’ve advanced the sale.


Step 4: Schedule Appointment

Get on the prospects calendar to fully share your value proposition.

  • Giving away free stuff is a great way to get people’s interest. But it must be something that makes sense in the context of your offering. In this case we’re giving away a free assessment. But it could be a quick document or article that makes the prospect a little bit wiser and well informed. You need to give to get. A pen, post-it notes or coffee cups don’t have near the value of a well written 5 step checklist pertinent to their industry.
  • The goal of the call is to get an appointment. In this case we’re trying to schedule a meeting to go over the assessment. While you have them on the phone get them on your calendar. Don’t say you’ll call them back to set up a time. Never leave the call without a follow up scheduled.


  • Have the attitude I’m here to help my customers. I’m not going to take advantage of them. I’m going to earn their trust for life. If I can’t help them maybe I can refer them to someone who can. I’m here to help.
  • Treat everyone like a distant cousin, someone you see once and awhile. You don’t know them that well but you deeply feel related to them. Not like a close friend, but a cousin
  • Think about your  family, close friends, colleagues and community. Consider the skills that you use to build teams, help one another, listen, go the extra mile, partner. Consider those skills and use them when calling. Sales isn’t something separate from life. It is life. And what works with people close to you, works in sales.


How To Boost Your Cold Call Skills

Having a  cold-call script you trust stops call reluctance. Meet Pat, build that script and start setting appointments today. Register for the  Conquer the Cold Call Consultation

On February 23, 2018  Pat offered 10 free consultations.  Register here and use the discount code “coldcall”


Cold Calling Tips

We have many past episodes we’ve shared with advice on how to cold call . Listen now!

    Strictly Cold Calling – Success Strategies for Business Development with Kerry Heaps #160

    Kerry Heaps Cold Calling Strictly Marketing

    Kerry Heaps Cold Calling Strictly MarketingStrictly Cold Calling – Success Strategies for Business Development with Kerry Heaps #160

    In this episode  we meet Kerry Heaps, the publisher and editor of Strictly Marketing Magazine. The magazine covers marketing and sales information to help grow readers business. The magazine covers topics ranging from networking, marketing, sales, cold calling, promotions, public relations, branding and social media. I invited Kerry to visit us today because she’s an expert in cold calling and big fan of the Stephen Schiffman method of using phone calls to generate opportunities. Kerry has a terrific attitude about cold calling and you’re going to love her and  her advice on how you can  grow your cold calling skills.

    What Makes for Success in Cold Calling

    Kerry believes there are 5 aspects for cold calling success:
    1. Get over the fear and  stop putting it off by sending emails or a DM on Twitter. If you’re not on the phone talking to prospects, you don’t really know what they are thinking.  Why do people put off cold calling? They don’t want rejection and falsely believe social media is the hot new thing. Don’t fear the phone, it’s your friend.

    2. Have a goal in mind. Phone calls and letters make a difference. People answer the phone while they delete emails as spam. Come up with a game plan. You’re not going to close them with one conversation. Instead set up a plan,to get them to sign up, schedule a meeting, attend an event, ” I have some free tickets, would you come?” “I have a free white paper, would you review it  if I sent it to you?” .   Telemarketing is a huge part of business development. Always have a script.

    3. Work only qualified leads. Create a contact list. Work office parks, go door to door and pick up business cards. Attend networking events. Purchased lists can have value, but often they are out of date. Some companies have multiple contacts you’ll need to address. She keeps leads 6 months, even if they are not interested. You may find people job shift all the time. Work smart and recycle leads..

    4. Be persistent – Make a 100 phone calls in a day. Stay consistent and be on the phone. Keep your pipeline full with a calendar. Schedule on your calendar like an appointment.
    5. Follow up – Often times buyers are not ready to pull the trigger due to schedule, budget, priority etc…. and sales people fail to check in until it’s the end of the fiscal calendar. Have a follow up plan. Tell them you will follow up in 3 months. Send them thank you notes and connect on social media to keep top of mind. She will clip out articles and share. She may call for holiday wishes until the day comes to meet your commitment to follow up.

    Follow Up

    Remember it takes a lot of time to find qualified leads. Have the patience to keep working them. Every 6 months, follow up. Put them in the “not interested” file.

    How To Find Kerry Heaps

    Here are some links that go from strictly cold calling to Strictly Marketing!

    These are the links that I mentioned on cold calling:


    7 Healthy Phone Habits to Get First Meetings with Marylou Tyler #150

    7 Healthy Phone Habits to Get First Meetings #150

    In this episode we talk about one of the most powerful selling tools you have  in your command, the telephone. Unfortunately too many sellers are ineffective using the phone for their prospecting efforts. Our guest is Marylou Tyler. She’s an expert in managing call centers and setting up efficient processes to maximize phone call success. Marylou is the author of the recently released book Predictable Prospecting. In this episode she shares the 7 healthy phone habits you need to get first meetings.

    How To Generate High Quality Leads

    Marylou believes you should adhere to a  method to generate high quality leads. For starters, she recommends you first schedule a block of time. This will get you into the calling mindset. A block of time allows you to be prepared for the conversation and advance the sale.

    1. Set a call objective for every call you do.  Set primary and secondary call objectives e.g gathering intelligence or setting up a meeting. Having an objective creates focus.
    2. Your tone of voice. Studies show that for compelling calls, 75% of the call is based on how you say it, versus 25% is the words.
    3. Use positive language. The Midwest is a permission based place. You must frame conversations positively: “oh I’m so sorry to keep you waiting”.  Negative language does not perform as well positive.
    4. Create a winning opener to get your foot in the door. Imply you have a right to be there. The opener should have an explicit or implicit referral.
      1. “Good morning Jackie, John recommended I give you a call. Our XYZ product caught his attention and he thought you might feel the same ”  Explicit
      2. “Hello Jackie, I see your CEO is interested in the XYZ initiative in a magazine article” Implicit
    5. Craft a interest grabbing statement.  Use words like “maximize , grow, reduce, minimize….” The goal is to  grab their interest and share a result. Build a script and memorize it.
    6. Know what questions ask.  Focus on  implication questions. Write them down and have them readily available. Don’t let executives disconcert you. Have the mindset that you’re a business executive too and equal to a CEO .  When you ask  questions it tells the prospect you are truly interested in understanding their problem.
    7. Love your objections. These are the reason prospects want to buy from you. Objections lead to the greater pain point.

    Bonus Habit      Always have a reason to call. Set a goal to talk to 20 companies in a  2 hour time span and generate  4-5 meaningful conversations.  Full sales cycle sales reps should target two,  2-hour blocks per week. If you’re inside sales, it’s all day long.

    Take Action Advice

    Embrace habit. Create a space for repeatable work.  Set a time and you will succeed.

    How To Connect with Mary Lour Tyler

    How to Prospect and Generate Leads

    Here are previous episodes that talk about lead generation and cold calling on the phone. Check them out!

    Myths on Social Selling with Mark Hunter #142

    mark-hunter-myths-on-social-sellingMyths on Social Selling with  Mark Hunter

    In this episode we meet Mark Hunter the author of the new book High Profit Selling.  Mark discusses the myths on social selling and practical things you can do to get social and connect deeply with a half dozen prospects and close them. Mark is a master at prospecting with a wealth of advice.

    Skeptical on Social Selling?

    The myths on Social Selling is built on first creating content, publishing it and then waiting for leads to flow into your sales funnel. Mark famously says, “You can’t eat click and likes.”  So true!

    High profit sales is about connecting one-on-one with a few prospects. It’s more productive to work a few qualified prospects versus a hundred leads. Mark made some important points debunking the myths on social selling:

    • Your passion must be to help others see and achieve what they didn’t think was possible. That was the theme of last weeks episode when we talked about how master sellers have HEAT.  H is Helpful.
    • Your job is to bring prospects information they can’t find on the internet. If they can find it online, they don’t need you.  Your buyers need an advocate.
    • If you can get prospects to say “That’s a good question” you’re on the right track to connecting. Every conversation with a prospect must add value.
    • Few sellers have the fortitude to keep following up. Trying once or twice is not enough. People are busy, keep calling and sharing that you have some insights you think can help their business.
    • Use voice mail to share your message. Consider each voice mail a billboard. You only have a few seconds of their time to get your message across. When they are ready, they’ll connect.

    Mark said it doesn’t matter what you sell, what matters is your desire to help. This is a reoccurring mantra here at Sales Babble.

    Cold Call Script

    Mark shared a great non-pushy cold call script:
    Hi Pat, this is Mark Hunter. I have some great insights on what’s happening next year in Chicago in the business community. Give me a buzz 4024452110 Mark Hunter 4024452110. Thanks. 

    Where To Find Mark Hunter

    You can find Mark and his books here:

    How to Prospect and Generate Leads Using Social Selling

    As mentioned in the podcast, Social Selling has been a hot topic for quite some time. Here are some episodes that can help you better leverage social media and connect with prospects.

    Cold Calling Role Play with John Trybulec #136

    John Trybulec

    John TrybulecCold Calling Role Play with John Trybulec

    In this episode we meet John Trybulec, advertising specialist and president of Tryad LLC. John believes that when it comes to sales, it’s not about you, it’s about the customer. John shares his cold calling script and what you can do to connect and build rapport. This episode is a lot of fun because you get to eavesdrop via a cold calling role play.

    It’s Not About You

    When it comes to sales, the focus needs to be on the prospect. Consider what the person is doing at the moment you call. They are not expecting your call. It’s important to be mindful of the situation.

    1.  Say who you are and the name of your company
    2.  Explain that the call is about their company and how you would like to help them sell their products and services

    Cold Calling Script

    Hi this is Name from Company

    and I’d like to speak to the person who makes decisions about XYZ
    It’s best if you have a name of the person (preferable the FIRST name)

    I’d like to speak with Bob

    They will answer the phone thinking you could be a customer. You would then say….
    Hi this NAME  and I’d like to bring more money into your store
    and more people using your services.
    Is now a good time?  Do you have a couple of minutes to talk about that?

    The goal here is to talk about their company.

    Bob we have a product that has a 75% markup at the retail level.
    it stores easily, takes less than 3 minutes to install,
    and has had great reviews by the engineering and scientific community.
    Do those things have an interest to you?

    Most likely they will say yes if you’ve done a good job finding leads.

    But before we start I have a couple of small questions…
    How long have you been in THEIR PROFESSION?
    How long you been in business….what about before, what company did you work for …..

    You are looking to see if this product would fit for them.  You are also looking build rapport. John built rapport with me by talking about where I went to college (SIU) and fun facts about college football.

    Does this make sense? (checking in)

    They would say ….   yes yes yes

    Master Card, Visa or American Express. Which one is easiest for you?
    Would you like to get started this week? or would next be better?

    Don’t push so hard.

    Take Action Advice

    When it comes to the cold calling, use your two ears and one mouth… listen more, ask questions let them talk. It’s important to realize that people remember you for how you make them feel, not how you make them think. People often buy on emotion.

    How to Find John Trybulec

    You can find John and his company here:

    Cold Calling Tips

    Here are some other terrific past episodes on the cold calling process. Listen today!


    6 Simple Steps for Generating New Leads With Chris Helmers

    Chris Helmers 6 Simple Steps for Generating New Leads With Chris Helmers

    In this episode we start with a quote: “Everything should be as simple as it can be, but not simpler” by Albert Einstein.  This is true of sales too where simplification is the path to productive lead generation. Today’s guest Chris Helmers discusses the 6 simple Steps for Generating new leads.

    Chris is my youngest son. He recently took a position in a software tech company. He is doing business development for a new software service and recently embrace the fundamentals for lead generation.

    6 Tips For Generating Leads

    1. Make the Call – Strategize less, don’t waste time, click the dial button.
    2. Move Shot To Shot – Focus on the win that works an use that to overcome the mistakes.
    3. Keep It Simple – figure out what you want to say as simple as possible. Don’t overload them with data. It may take 20 rewrites.
    4. Explore All Avenues of Contact – use voicemail an email to your advantage
    5. Know Your Audience – When seeking the decision maker, learn how to speak to all the people who will introduce you. Learn the language of your prospects.
    6. Find The Right Contact – Research the internet and use information to get around the gate keeper.

    Take Action Advice

    Communicate what you do, not how you do it. You will learn from every call you make, even your failures. Ask for advice, people are flattered by the opportunity to help you. And lastly….. Keep it simple.

    How to Find Chris Helmers




    Lead Generation Strategies

    Secrets to Prospecting Like a Pro with Carrie Berens #120

    Carrie Berens Cold Calling Expert

    Carrie Berens Cold Calling Expert Secrets to Prospecting Like a Pro with Carrie Berens #120

    Today we visit a call center for cold calling advice from Carrie Berens. Carrie is the owner of Dynamic Sales Innovations. She owns  a call center who serves mid-tier manufacturing and technology companies. She prefers to focus on prospecting for B2B companies with long sales cycles and complex deals. In this episode Carrie shares the 10 secrets to prospecting like a Pro. She is an expert at making very very cold cold cold calls.

    Carrie’s Secrets to Prospecting Like a Pro

    1. Have a Plan – answer the question “what do you want to accomplish”.  The primary goal is usually to just set an appointment. This is the biggest mistake sellers make, they don’t have a plan and they try to tell the prospect too much before they hang up.  
    2. Have a Strategy –  answer the question “how are to going to make your goals”.  An example strategy is knowing what questions you’re going to ask.  You should always have a gatekeeper strategy.   Ask for help!   “Good morning, I’m not sure to to ask for, could you help me out?”     When approaching C-Suite execs “Joe Smith’s offices recommended that you’re the right person”.   Voice mail, always leave a message that add value.   She believes in professional persistence. Respectful persistence sets you up for when the timing is right.
    3. Have a System – Use a CRM. Take notes of everything you do. Use reminders to remember what’s easy to forget.
    4. Immerse Yourself – Keep distractions to the minimum. Use a headset and us the auto-dialing capability to click the phone number.
    5. Target Your List –  Know who you want to call. Make sure the people are targeted for your business. Don’t waste time with leads that are not a good fit. Look at geography, business size,
    6. Be Conversational – Don’t tell the prospect everything about your product or service. Make it a real conversation and just plan to advance the sale to another meeting.  
    7. Prepare to Answer Common Objections – Think out what your going to say e.g. it depends, tell us more about you and I can answer pricing, number of leads, etc…
    8. Know Your Numbers – Know your sales goals and the number it will take to meet the goals.  These are the KPIs.  Cold calling is a numbers game. But everyone’s numbers are different depending on their skill and business.
    9. Don’t Take It Personally – If they hang up on you , it’s not about you, it’s about the business and what the prospect is concerned about at that moment.    Follow up all No’s with “can I follow up with you in 6 months to see if anything has changed?”
    10. Be Consistent –  Make cold calling a part of your everyday. It’s easy to think you’re having a productive doing other things but if you’ve not done any prospecting your not as productive as you think. 

    Take Action Advice 

    Carrie was quick to respond “Have a Plan”.   

    Where to Find Carrie Berens

    Dynamic Sales Innovations provides cost-effective solutions for optimizing new top line growth starts with the basics, no short cuts-no false promises, through telemarketing and appointment setting.

    Dynamic Sales Innovations.  

    Carrie Berens on LinkedIn

    Call here at 630-701-9051

    Cold Calling Tips

    Here are some other prospecting episodes you find of value. Enjoy!

    Stop Cold Calling Start Communicating with Odile Faludi #109

    Odile Faludi Cold Call Expert

    Odile Faludi Cold Call ExpertStop Cold Calling, Start Communicating with Odile Faludi

    In this episode we learn how to stop Cold Calling  and start communicating or as Odile says it; Cold Call No More. 

    What’s Wrong With Cold Calling

    Many sales people say this…. “Hi Pat how are you doing…. ” This a BAD opening.

    Cold calling is interruptive and the listener can’t help but wonder who are you why are you asking me.  You are clearly a sales person and they will want to hang up.

    Better Opening Statement

    “ Hi Pat , my name is Odile I hope you can help me…….”

    This will stroke their ego, show how you value their opinion.  Most people are helpful and happy to lend a hand.

    Ask Open Ended Questions

    Understand first before offering a solution.   Learn about your prospect first.  People don’t like being talked to.  The curse of knowledge is the desire to tell a customer everything in 5 minutes. Instead tell them a little at a time and use the power of the pause. Then say is there anything else you would like to know.  


    Things To Say

    Don’t make it about you, make it about them. Soften your approach and people will listen harder. They will find you endearing.  Mirror what you hear, see and feel. Ask implication questions to create a need and then get an appointment and see them face to face

    Be an economist with your words.

    • Is this a bad time speak.
    • I’m just ringing to get your feedback


    Where to Find Odile Faludi


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    Cold Calling Tips