5 Things Sellers Can Do To Erase Sales Fear with Kristy Ellington #257

5 Things Sellers Can Do To Erase Fear with Kristy Ellington #257

Kristy Ellington Sales Babble Sales PodcastFear is a real issue in sales, one that can be debilitating to the point of failure and firing. Our guest is Kristy Ellington. Kristy is an expert in overcoming fear and she walks us through her research, things she found true,  and advice on how sellers can turn that around. She has a 5 step process that sellers can use to overcome  sales fears and we babble about her NAMES process on this sales podcast.

Call Reluctance

Even seasoned sellers have moments where they hesitate to pick up the phone and dial. They are unsure exactly what to say, and they are uncertain if they will receive a question they can’t answer. Even Pat feels this at times, especially in a startup situation promoting a new product or service.  This is human. The trick is to not let the sales fears stop you dead in your tracks.

Imposter Syndrome

70% of executives experience imposter syndrome, a deep fear that people will find out that they don’t know what they’re doing and have the position by dumb luck. You are not alone if you feel this way. You are not a fraud.   We all have this experience at times.

How To Overcome Sales Fears

Fear is not a defect, it’s something everyone has. Don’t play into it and go into a death spiral. Instead focus on the NAMES process and shift the fear from you and focus on the sale:

  1. Notice- you are feeling anxiety and fear. Mindfulness.
  2. Acknowledge – where you feel it in your body,
  3. Make a connection where the fear is coming from.  Past experience most likely
  4. Evaluate that the fear you are feeling is happening right now.
  5. Shift your focus to your client.

How To Find Kristy Ellington

Free Trigger Emotions Infographic: https://kristyellington.com/free-guide
Free 30 Minute Sales Fear Coaching Session: https://kristyellington.com/schedule