How To Create Believers with Storytelling Selling with Michele Kelly #288

How To Create Believers with Storytelling Selling with Michele Kelly #288

Michele Kelly is an author, co-founder and CEO of K+L Storytellers.  She helps companies who need to tell their story,  especially those who care as much about living their values as they do about making a profit.  In this  episode,  we discuss storytelling selling. We discuss the process for creating believers by telling your story.  Believers become customers!  Believe me!   And get this, we did it by sharing stories!

Egos Lothos Pathos Selling

Aristotle defined the structure of the story  humans have shared for thousands of years.

Ethos; building trust, Logos: using using logic and rational thinking, and last Pathos; drawing on emotion and empathy.  Good stories contain all of these.

When selling, use the Hero Journey story, but make your customer the hero.  You, the seller, are the guide e.g Sam in Lord of the Rings, or Jack in Titanic.

Design the story where there is a situation with some challenge. Then one day, an incident happens. This creates drama and from this incident an opportunity arises. Now you,  the guide, shines.

Sales Rep is the Story Guide

The sales rep is the guide in these stories. Unfortunately too often sellers can’t see themselves in stories. But you can with reflection. Consider past customers who you’ve been able to help. Frame it in a story.

Seth Godin says  marketing is no longer about stuff you make, but stories you tell. When telling a story  Robert Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotion takes the listener from awareness to admiration to acceptance.

The way you create believers, is with your story.

How To Find Michele Kelly

This is Michele and Roderick’s company K&L Story Tellers

LinkedIn –

On Twitter @mkellywriter

Past Episodes Telling Stories

Listen here for past guests advice on storytelling!

2 Replies to “How To Create Believers with Storytelling Selling with Michele Kelly #288”

  1. Hi Pat, great show! You need a “share this episode” button on the show page (that gives social media or email options)… make it easy for your listeners to give you more listeners 🙂 Just my marketing perspective as I went to share it!

    1. Megan, thanks for the note, what would that look like? Can you show me an example. Years ago I had something that could tweet. Not sure where it went to. This website has changed and evolved multiple times over the years!

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