Why Are You Still Working That Lost Deal? #483

Why Are You Still Working That Lost Deal? #483

Why is it they say that when one door closes, another door always opens? Are doors in some sort of cosmic competition? ‘Oh, this door is closing? Well, I’ll show you!’ And bam, another door pops open, like it’s saying, ‘Don’t worry, I got your back!’ Doors are like the ultimate wingmen, always ready to hook you up with a new adventure. I mean, seriously, who needs a dating app when you’ve got doors playing matchmakers? It’s like the universe’s way of saying, ‘Hey buddy, don’t sweat it, I got plenty more doors where that came from!’ The same is true about sales. Sales works the same way. Why are you still working on that lost deal, there’s more where that came from. Hey buddy don’t sweat it.

Today’s Chapter: Let It Go

The seller who takes action is defeated.
Those who grasp lose the sale.

The Master Seller does not act and so is not defeated.
They never grasp and therefore do not lose.

People often fail on the verge of success.
With spontaneity and adaptability
watch your desires
and let them go.

Today’s Story

Chris and Pat attended a tradeshow together. At one point, one of Chris’s prospects stepped by the booth to say hello and open up about a challenge they faced. Chris was eager to reengage the prospect until they shared how they decided to go with the competition and they’re happy with their choice. 

Pat and Chris asked the prospect a bit about how they settled on their decision and then wished them good luck and goodbye.  

As the day went on Chris became frustrated and less attentive to gathering leads. No longer able to stay quiet, Chris said, “I can’t believe we didn’t win that deal. What were they thinking going with those other guys when we have exactly what they need.” 

Pat laughed and said, “Chris, you lost that deal three hours ago. Why are you still working on it? Look! Some new people just entered the aisle. Let’s see if they’re qualified prospects and collect their information?”

Take Action Quote

The Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius wrote,

If you are pained by external things, it is not they that disturb you, but your own judgment of them. And it is in your power to wipe out that judgment, now.

Too often we squander our lives with regret by over-focusing on negative events that hinder our judgment. This point of view can be crippling to our work. Instead, we should accept that things aren’t always going to go our way. We should acknowledge we can’t have good times without bad times. They both go hand in hand. Rather than looking backward at the bad times, let’s look forward and see the opportunity ahead of us.

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How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is deeply understanding what buyers need, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have, and helping them to make a decision that is both good for their business and yours. See https://salesbabble.com

This is a production of Habanero Media https://habaneromedia.net

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