Speaking Skills Win Sales with Mark Gai #125

Mark Gai Body Language and Public Speaking Speaking Skills Win Sales with Mark Gai

In this episode we meet body language and public speaking expert Mark Gai. Mark and I talk about the mindset of a great communicator and things you can do to take your selling presentation skills to the next level. With great speaking skills, you can win sales.

Steps to Speaking Success

  1. Assess your speaking skills. Do this by recording your conversations or better yet, video recording your communication. Don’t forget to get permission from your guest.
  2. Genuinely listen to your audience and provide them with the help they need.
  3. Breath when you speak, from deep down in your belly.
  4. Generate charisma, by giving your prospect value in your communication.

Body Language the Power of it in Sales

Listening is only part of the equation when it comes to communication.  You need to speak well too.  Communication is a two way street. The only way you can truly qualify a client is to ask insightful questions, listen, engage, and focus your energy on the person. Far too often sellier focus instead on the next thing THEY want to share. It’s not about you, it’s about THEM.

How To Connect With Mark Gai

Mark is easily found throughout the internet:

Mark’s Website  http://markgai.com 

Mark on Twitter https://twitter.com/SpeakBrave

Direct Phone (407) 545-7155

E-mail: mark@markgai.com


Sales Presentation Tips

Here are some other links on sales presentation topics you may find of interest.