SB023 – How to Control the Sale, by Giving the Customer the Illusion of Control

Sales PresentationIn this episode where we’re going to talk about how to  control the sale, by giving away control.  A great sales rep has a handle on every deal and makes sure that all bases are covered. But that doesn’t mean leading the conversation by the hand, it actually means letting the deal take  the path it will take.  In this episode we’re going to discuss a different path.

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In the dark days before the internet, when sales people gave presentations to an audience they were like mechanical toys. You would wind them up and they would start talking and talking and talking until finally they were wound down. It was painful for audience. In those days, the sellers had all the knowledge of the product and market place, the meeting room transformed into a one room school house. The seller was the teacher, and the buyers the kids. The kids listened. Maybe once in awhile they held up their hand with a question. The sellers did most of the talking, spewing facts and figures like a fire hose. It was all the prospective client could do to drink up the information. They would take notes like good students. Trying to get a handle on what to buy.

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Despite the fact the sellers have never been wiser, savvier and better informed this still happens today. and it’s commonly known as Show Up and Throw Up,

Shifting the Control of the Sale

Have you ever been a victim of show up and throw up? Are you guilty of doing it yourself? It’s great that sellers are excited about their products and services. It’s great you want to share all the facts and figures. I love the that gun-ho attitude. But truth be told you’re not serving the needs of your prospective client if you’re doing all the talking.

I remember this one one I was working a trade-show with a new hire. We would stand at edge of our booth and pass out handout cards as the attendees meandered up and down the aisle. Every so often we would generate some interest and the conference attendee would be curious about our product. The new hire was surprised how I would just chat with them. And then they would leave, maybe we would get their emails, maybe not. She asked me “Why didn’t you bring them to the computer monitor and start showing them all the great things we can do? All you did was ask them lots of questions” It’s a good question.

I explained that what I was doing was trying to surmise if they were in the market for our product. I was trying to find out if they were shopping, and if so understand their time line, and their budget, how they are going to decide , etc…. And you can’t ask these questions outright so I commonly would ask about their current product, if was it causing them troubles, was it creating pain, were there unmet opportunities and desires that stopped them from innovating, servicing their clients, growing profit and reducing costs.

What I was doing was qualifying them to see if they were a good fit. But I did it by shifting the conversation from one, of me doing all the talking, to them doing all the talking. The same thing can happen in a presentation or a demonstration or on a cold call over the phone. Asking questions is key to generating interest and kindling curiosity. I’ve come to realize that people like to buy, they don’t like to be sold.

People want to feel like they’re in the driver seat. They want the sense that they’re the ones asking the questions, making the decisions and using their time and energy as they see fit. So what do I recommend? Shift the emphasis of your first interaction away from telling. Instead ask guided questions to control the conversation. Your goal is to give the clients the illusion they’re in control. Again people like to buy, they don’t like to be sold.

The Illusion of Control

By you asking questions, let prospective clients do much of the talking. Let then think they’re running the meeting. And to a certain degree, you are! Your building an agenda designed around their needs, their desires. Once their needs and desires are uncovered, you can address their concerns one by one. What you’re doing is getting them, to sell themselves, on you! This is what we call giving them the Illusion of Control.

Asking great questions is pivotal in qualifying your customer, creating interest, enrolling them on the value of your product and service. So it’s a bit of a paradox, and I’m not talking about two mallards: the more you give your prospects control, the more you control the sale. So today let’s go out and ask some questions. Let’s learn what people fear and desire and see if maybe, we can help them out.


Now if you would like to get a transcript of this podcast make sure to go to the show notes at And while you’re there, don’t forget about the opportunity to enter the contest for a free copy of Geoffrey Moore’s Crossing the chasm. I’ve received a lot of positive feedback on the podcast and you’re not listened to it I highly recommend you place that in your queue. To enter the contest it’s really quite simple. Go to and enter your contact information.  If you haven’t listened to that episode, take a moment and download it on Stitcher or iTunes.

Got a Question?

If so ask me!  Go here to  leave an audio message.   Or click here to type a message.  I’ll review your cold calling script! Leave a question and I’ll respond!

I really appreciate your support and sharing what we do with friends and colleagues.   If you would like to share the love  on Twitter, click here.

We can teach you a selling style that fits your personality and works! Start here.


Powerful  Presentations and Demos that Persuade


Consider the  product or service you’re selling today. It beats the competition hands down, doesn’t it?  If not why would you be selling it.

Yet what you know is true  and what your prospective customer  “thinks” is true,  are two different  things.  Sales  is not  a process of order taking. It’s about influence.


Demos that Delight and Direct Desire

You’re excited about a technology and pumped to show off  all its bells and whistles. You want to serve the audience and make sure no stone is unturned.  It’s taken a lot of work to get this meeting and you’re ready to give  an epic demo. Yet nothing could be farther from the desires of the client.

Your  audience has time constraints. And they have criteria they’re using to compare vendors. You may have all day, but they don’t! Given the time limits of a two hour demonstration, care must be taken to ensure you showcase the highlights wisely.

Audiences get bored easily! So how do you overcome this in an attention deficit world? 

Consider the  Demo Theatre

Since you can’t show it all, give the impression you can do it all.  At the beginning of the meeting, ask the audience for a list of items they want demonstrated.  Use this list to guide the demonstration.  Focus on features that add value to their business. Focus on features that put your product in the best light.

You may have some cool innovation that blows away the competition. But if your audience isn’t in the market place for that innovation, they don’t care! Save that for the end of the meeting.

A List That Guides the Demo

One by one, click off items on the list. When first starting, demonstrate  how your product addresses their need in great detail. Show theList Clip Boardm the user functionality, how the process is addressed and the resulting outcome. Answer their questions simply and completely.  Guide the conversation but keep reminding the client, it’s their list.

Tell stories how the technology works. Make a show of each scenario you demonstrate.  Create context. This is more fun for you and more interesting for the audience.

As time runs out, they’ll  be asking:  “Can you do this? Can you do that?”   Now that you’ve earned credibility you can  answer without the need to demonstrate details.

What you’ve created is the sense you can do it all!

Leaving a Great Impression

Again you can’t show it all. But assuming you have a great product, demo  in a manner that gives the impression you can meet most needs and desires. By using  their  list to drive the demo, you give the client the illusion they’re running the meeting.

In reality, you’re controlling the sale.

Know the market. Have all the questions in your hand. Play the cards as the questions arise. Win the deal with confidence, clarity and panache.


Want to learn a selling style that fits your personality and works?  Click here!


Don’t Sweep Objection Handling Under the Rug

Not Objection HandlingDealing with objections is objectionable for  unsavvy sellers!

Objection handling is the ability  to address sticky issues brought up by the prospective buyer. The goal is to somehow provide a satisfactory answer to the buyer’s questions.  It takes preparation to do a good job of this.  But poorly prepared  sellers often avoid topics that may cause the objection to come up. They incorrectly believe avoiding the controversy is the best plan of action.  It’s a  “maybe they won’t notice” mindset. They are in essence, sweeping  the objection under the rug, not understanding  that the objection can only go away if it’s handled and addressed. 

You are far better off shining a bright light on any objection.  By addressing the issues head on, buyers appreciate an authentic and straight response. Knowing the bounds of the solution, they can see if your product or service is indeed a match. If it’s not a match, it’s not a match. In this case the seller has a much better idea of the market needs and gaps in their products. But if all of the questions have been handled honestly, the buyer is much more likely  to see the value you bring.

Professional sellers go out of their way to make sure that ALL the buyer’s questions have been asked and addressed. When their services and products have been thoroughly vetted , closing the deal is just a matter of  asking them to help fill out the paperwork.

Again it’s critical to be prepared for objections and have good answers that place your products and services in the best light. Do your homework and be fearless in taking questions.

Next  if you’re  unsure where to  get started on the Sales Babble website,  click here and learn what we can do to help you close sales today. Click now.


Behind the Scenes Podcast Studio Look

IMG_2427A number of people have  expressed an  interest in a behind the scenes look at the Sales Babble podcast. I’ve created a new page  that shares  a bit about the Studio’s  setup, what it looks like, the equipment used, as well as the configuration.  I’m often complimented on the sound of my podcast.  This is how we do it.

Click here to see the studio!

Podcast Studio

Recording, producing and publishing podcasts has been a VERY rewarding effort. But what we’re most  proud of is the content  we produce at Sales Babble.  This content is deeply dependent on the many fine guests who have agreed to join us on the show.     Thank you guests!

With that said, please don’t forget to enter the contest for Bob Rickert’s “Profit Heroes” book by Monday June 23rd.  It’s a terrific read!

Click here to enter.

How To Stem a Bad Case of Show Up and Throw Up in Sales

Fire HosePumped up with enthusiasm, all too often sellers share everything and anything to prospective clients at the first meeting. Overwhelmed by a fire hose of information, buyers immediately regret inviting the seller to the meeting. In this situation the deal is  dead on arrival due to a bad case of  “Show Up and Throw Up”.

Professional sellers take the lead in another manner. Expert sellers begin by asking a question.

Asking a question  stimulates the client’s thinking and it creates an opportunity for the seller to listen. By questioning, you can understand their lives,  desires,  fears and the direction  they hope to take their business. With each answer , the seller continues to seek and know, what the buyer seeks and  knows. They dig and dig until they  understand the core of their concern. The prospective client’s issues and concerns may include  profit, quality, service, or cost.  But no matter how they answer the question, their answers  create the frame for the seller’s pitch.

You can do the same.

By walking in the buyers  shoes, listening without judging nor presupposing that you have exactly what they need, you  build credibility and trust. In this space you can market the buyer with relevant products and services by using  their own words.  By taking a consultative role, opportunities will arise. And if all goes well, you will be able to provide products and services that meet their needs.

In many ways this is a process of qualifying a customer.  Let me explain here.

Four Ways To Stay Ahead of the Competition

Football SoccerIt’s easy to slack off when your business has been successful.  For some sales professionals, new business becomes a process of order taking: What color would you like? How many would you prefer this week? Would you like us to include a set of steak knives with that order?

Yet this stage of your business might be the beginning of the end.  In a world of constant evolution and increased competition, it’s imperative to stay awake to the marketplace.  To quote Heraclitus “The only thing that remains the same is change”.    The easy flow of leads you have now, could dry up quickly.  It’s best to have a “heads up” before that happens.

To stay awake to the marketplace, here are four things sellers should consider to stay ahead:

  1. Consistently assess the competition. Never underestimate their abilities, acknowledge their weaknesses, yet focus on their strengths.
  2. Plug into social media and be on the look-out for emerging new players.  Subscribe to industry blogs, competitive websites,  thought leaders on Twitter.
  3. Listen deeply to your existing clients to listen for needs, desires and gossip. They have a network that you can leverage vicariously.
  4. Look for opportunities and gaps not being filled. Again your existing clients are a fountain of ideas. Many may be hair-brained, but a survey of many clients can extract a few superb ideas.

With the right mindset, you stay awake to reality.  Thinking of the competition as evil  or wrong,  goes nowhere.  Business is a constant game of competition , and any team can win on any day. But by being awake to the winds of the marketplace and  impending threats,  can be addressed before it’s too late.

Next month I’m offering a live workshop on sales.  Click here to read the description and see if you or someone in your network might find value.  The workshop is called Selling Secrets for Non-Sellers: Learn a selling style that fits your personality and works. 

What The Sport Of Fishing Can Teach Sales Professionals

FisherLadyTrying to control the mind of the buyer is like taking hold of a wet fish. The harder you squeeze it, the more likely it will wriggle free. In traditional sales are there tricks and mind games that sales professional play to “manipulate” the buyer into submitting.  Fancy closing techniques that supposedly get prospective clients to say “yes” before they know what hit them.  This is a fools errand.

Know this: you  can’t bully people into buying. With the onset of the internet, prospective clients are well versed on the options and choices. In fact there,  is too much choice. Buyers are looking for a coach, an expert in a field to help guide their purchasing experience. This is the mindset of the savvy sales professional.

Like the  fisherman,  be patient. Listen for their needs and take good notes. If you can serve their needs, you will build credibility. With trust comes business, with trust come  loyal customers.





All Job Hunters Are Sellers

Looking for WorkThe most recent jobs report was somewhat positive last week but it’s little solace for the unemployed. Not so long ago  they were a valued contributor to corporate America. They made a good living, they had prestige, they had a strong sense of self-worth with rewarding work. There was a clear path towards success and promotion.  They worked hard, showed up each day, followed the rules, did their  job and despite a bit of complaining in the lunch room, they were a solid loyal employee.  Times were good.

But then the rules changed, the economy soured, customers became fickle, management stumbled, and they  were out of a job.  Automation, globalization, commoditization, and social media have been significant game changers.  And the working world, as we know it, is gone.

Now they’re on the hamster wheel of HR, endlessly submitting resume after resume into a deep black hole that is neither encouraging nor helpful. And it’s little wonder employers are overwhelmed by the fire hose of applications from candidates, applying for everything and anything using keywords to wriggle through the resume filters like salmon swimming upstream.

So it begs the question, how can a candidate stand out? How can they  differentiate from the competition? What will it take for their  next employer to say “We would like to offer you a position”.

Selling You

If you’re looking for a job, you’re in sales! And what’s the product? You!

And who better to sell you, than you?  You know the product better than anyone else in the world. You know the skills and history of the product, the examples where you’ve gone the extra mile to delight the customer, where you’ve reached deep and with grit and tenacity and achieved success.

You know you. And now that you’ve decided to look for work, you’ve become a saleswoman or salesman. Congratulations.

You’re in sales, and as a sales professional, it’s important to take a sales approach when job hunting. What’s the sales process? Prospecting, Qualifying, Advancing, and  Closing.

Let’s first consider the target market. What are employers  looking for:

  • People who show up for work.
  • People with initiative.
  • People who are smart.
  • People who are competitive.
  • People who follow directions with an attention to detail.
  • People who are here to help.
  • People when you give them a job, it can be considered done.

Your task is to not just tell them you’re great, but to show them you’re great.  This is where the sales process can help.

Prospecting and Qualifying

Each sale is a process, a series of steps that have an order and progression.  The first sales steps are to find qualified employers who desire the skills, you have honed in your career.

  1. Find 50 companies that you believe would appreciate your talents.
  2. Research the executives. It’s easier to connect with small and midsize companies.
  3. If you can’t find the executive, find the HR director.
  4. They may be hiring, they may not. It doesn’t matter. Submit your resume; make sure it has key words for skills, certifications, and education they value.
  5. Two days later cold call them.  “Hi I’m Pat, I understand you may be hiring for JOB POSITION and I believe I can help. Do you have a moment to chat on Wednesday? My number is 630.768.3134.”
  6. If you get them on the phone your goal is set an appointment and fast track your resume. If you get voicemail leave a message saying exactly the same script. If you get a receptionist treat them as if they are the boss with the goal of finding out if indeed they are hiring. Ask for advice on what you should do.  People are surprisingly helpful when asked nicely.
  7. If they don’t get back to you (which will happen most the time) keep calling, every three days, leaving a different message each time. Slowly share and differentiate yourself from the rest. It takes 8 times on average to connect.

Don’t feel like you’re bothering them, because you’re actually here to help!  Take the mindset that this is an opportunity to demonstrate initiative, tenacity, fearlessness and a deep desire to help solve their problems.  In sales you will face an ocean of rejection so when you expect loss, it’s much easier to deal with the emotional toll.  Selling is hard work, but that’s the profession you’ve chosen once you’ve decided to seek employment.

Advance the Sale

When you get an appointment, be it either a phone call or a meeting, it’s critical you get the employer to talk about their business struggles, hopes, and fears. Problem identification is the most critical skill executives seek. If you’re doing all the talking, you’re not demonstrating your skill of walking in their shoes, identifying with their pains, and  offering solutions (e.g. hiring you) to those issues.

Advancing a sale is the process of getting a deal closer and closer to a win.  Each interaction with prospective employers should move the sale forward. Even a little bit of movement are good vs no change.

At sometime during the conversation the employer will ask if you have any questions. To advance the sale:

  1. Ask the question “What does it take to be a successful JOB POSITION here at XYZ Company?”
  2. Collect the list of skills and attributes THEY value. Keep saying “What else?” until they have no more items.
  3. Walk through the list and share concrete examples where you’ve done this in the past.

Close the Sale

Closing is very difficult for those  new to sales. It opens up the door to be rejected.  However  if you’ve followed the process up to now, you’ve made a strong case that you’re a terrific match. The best way to uncover other  hidden barriers is to ask for the job:

  1. Close the deal.  Once you’ve covered the list say “From what I’ve shared,  do you believe I have the skills to be successful in this position?”  If they say yes, that’s great.  Otherwise ask them “Why?”  Most likely they will add new items on the list. Go back to advancing the sale. Repeat the process and once all issues have been addressed.
  2. Say “Now do you believe I have the skills to be successful in this position?”  If not,  repeat the process until they say “YES”. 
  3. The next  question is very difficult for non-sellers, “What are the barriers to having me start this position in two weeks?”    If you’ve done your job well  they will give you an offer. Congratulations!
  4. However, they may say they have concerns that have not  been discussed. Collect the issues and repeat the process above. It may become apparent that you don’t have the skills they’re  looking for, you’re not a match.   But more likely they may say they have scheduled other candidate interviews. In this situation they can’t give you a decision at this time. Ask when it would be a good time to follow up. Make sure you follow up within 1 week and keep proving you would become a great contributor to their organization.

Again as you proceed down the sales process it may become clear you’re not qualified. Not everyone is qualified for every position.  Job hunting and job placement is a process of matchmaking.   You must be a good match for the employer, and the employer must be a good match for you.  Throughout this process you will find what it’s like working for the company. You may find they are disrespectful, confused, disorganized with little focus.   You don’t want to work them!  Better to find out now then later.

Selling takes work. But it can be very rewarding. By taking the view that all job hunters are sellers, you will take control of the hiring process and achieve success.

Go sell!

PS. Click here for  a quick Infographic on the 6 Simple Steps of Sales.

Three Mindsets To Embrace When Networking

bartenderOne of the more stressful situations for non-sellers is networking.  Often times you’re at a chamber of commerce luncheon,  trade-show, cocktail event or meet-up and you feel you should “working the crowd” to drum up business.  However like public speaking, many fear the pressure of making small-talk. All too often you find yourself uncomfortably milling about the room, awkwardly looking for a familiar face.  It’s hard kicking off a conversation and you don’t want to be considered pushy. Given we spend most of our time with people we know, it’s a strange experience, meeting strangers!

The goal in these networking events is to meet new people, find out if any are qualified prospects and exchange cards so you can follow up at a later time.  Instead of seeing the event as an angst ridden junior high dance, consider taking on one of the following mindsets to: ease the stress, lower your fear and raise your ability to generate genuine conversation.

When you enter the room find someone who is alone, step up and take on one the following personas:

  1. Be a Bartender – Consider you’re a bartender at a corner pub in a large city. Surrounding the establishment are many homes, condominiums and apartments. One evening a man  enters the room and pulls up to the bar. It’s clear from their body language they’ve had a long day. They are dressed stylish, yet a bit disheveled. They have no twinkle in their eye and when you ask them what they’re having, they provide a two word response.  This is the case where you need to be the Bartender “Hey buddy, how you doing? You seem a bit down today? What’s going on? Tell me about your problems?” In this situation, you  ask questions like a therapist, but unlike a therapist you’re trying to see if their issues are in the space of your business. Do they use your competitors? What do they think about them? Have they ever considered switching and if interested would they like to exchange contact information?  This is being a bartender.
  2. Be A Guest at a Wedding Reception – Consider you’re at Cousin Sissies wedding. You’re at the reception and it’s filled with large round tables and decorated with streamers and flowers. You’re seated at one of the tables and most of the people are relatives, relatives that you don’t know that well, but you’ve known them all your life. Your job is to ask  everyone for an update on their lives: “So Uncle Joe are you still working at the factory?  How about Aunt Maryl is she feeling better? And your daughter, what’s her name? Jessie? That’s right what’s she doing these days”.  In  this situation the key thought is to consider everyone a cousin at the networking event, you’re all family. You can ask about family and hobbies. Ask about work and if they do things that you might sell. Ask how it’s working and if they are happy with what they have.  If you find someone qualified you can ask for their contact information. This is being a cousin at a wedding reception.
  3. Be a Research Scientist – Consider you’re a market research scientist, taking a poll of shoppers on the sidewalk for some new improved cleaning product, political referendum,  or urban planning study. As people walk by you ask “Hi I’m studying kitchen cleanser use, which one do you use now?  What do you think of the idea of annexing the North  property for a park?“  At the networking event  you might take a poll about many topics “Hi where are you from? What do you do?  Do you  currently use my competitor?  How would you rate them? Are you happy with them?  Would you ever consider switching” and other such questions. If it’s clear the person you’re polling is not a match, you quickly say “nice to meet you” and  you move onto the next  person, like a bee goes from flower to flower, slowly collecting  the pollen of business cards.

If you haven’t seen a common thread in these mental mindsets it’s this:  People are people, we’re all cousins,   and most are comfortable talking about themselves when asked questions.

The trick for you, is to:

  1. Stimulate conversation
  2. Get people to talk about themselves
  3. Find out their pain and desire in some context
  4. Sift out which people are qualified prospective clients
  5. Exchange contact information to follow up

By taking one of these three mindsets: Bartender, Wedding Guest, Research Scientist it takes pressure off you.   Look at your own life. You are a neighbor, a relative,  and a shopper on the street. When you start to see strangers as people, just like you, it’s much easier to find the energy to connect.

Of these three mindsets, which of them seem to make the most sense for you?

Does it help to enter a networking situation with a process in mind, with some goals lined up and a clear set of tasks to be completed?  Or do you think this is all silly? I’d love to hear what you think.  But the fun doesn’t end with this post. Click here for five bartender jokes

7 Sales Steps for Validating Your Business Idea

Blue FoldersSometimes when you get a great idea, the first thing you do is run it by a few friends to see if it’s a better mousetrap. And most times, good ideas stay good ideas and go no farther. But once in while,  with just a sprinkling of social proof, some budding inventor will become  certain they’ve struck gold and become obsessed  to bring this new idea to market. I can’t help but appreciate the energy in this situation. But is this the right course of action?

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you have a number of great ideas. It’s clear you have a passion about your invention and you’re eager to move it forward. But before you do that,  I’d like to share  some advice before you spend any money bringing it to market. Think sales.

Make a Sale to Prove it’s a Real Business.

If you can get someone to plunk money down on an idea, you have concrete evidence you’re on the right path. This is a case where sales is not a process for closing business, but  a means of validating a business.

 With that said, let’s offer up a process entrepreneurs can follow:

  1. Create a list of 10  prospective buyers.
  2. Call them up and schedule a sales call. Print business cards and pretend brochures of your invention.
  3. At the sales call interview them about their pains and desires  you think,  your solution can solve.
  4. Once you get their list, share how you may have a solution that addresses their needs (share the brochure).
  5. See if they agree with your solution.  Thoroughly understand what they like and dislike about your idea.
  6. If they like your solution ask them would they buy and at what price.
  7. If you can get a few prospects to agree to buy, you have a business! If they don’t like your invention, you’ve saved yourself a huge hassle not to mention expense.

Once you’ve proven you have a business,  you can start working on the logistics of having someone design, fund, test, deploy and sell your invention. But let me repeat,  for the cost of some brochures and business cards, you can quickly see if your idea really makes sense. 

Fail Early Fail Fast

Far to many entrepreneurs lead with an idea, before knowing if buyers really agree. Don’t build things  you THINK they want. Build things you KNOW they want. If you can sell it before it exists, you’re on the right path.

Do you have an idea that you’re itching to validate?  Are you struggling to figure out a way to prove it’s a viable business opportunity?  I can help!

Let’s talk, click here to Contact Pat