Lessons Learned at a Software Startup with Johnny Campbell #124

Johnny Campbell win sales with mindset sequence and systems

Johnny Campbell win sales with mindset sequence and systems

Lessons Learned at a Software Startup with Johnny Campbell

This is the second part of two part series where our guest Johnny Campbell shares the story of Interactive Facebook Television – IFBTV.  Johnny was a founder of a software startup. Sadly not all went as planned.

The Saga of Interactive Facebook Television

Johnny was a pioneer in making money with Social Media starting in 2009-2010. He and his fellow founders had an idea.   They wanted to tie  together video and Facebook.  Subscribers could watch videos and able to order products online.  The business model was commissioned based. They gave away IFBTV to members with large audiences and fan pages.   IFBTV  could type content into their account.

The founders end game goal was to sell to Facebook.

Trouble on the Horizon

The roll out had timing issues. It was too innovative for the times. Facebook was not ready at that time. There was no offer to be purchased. IFBTV was  running out of money. Outside investors had other ideas and recommended a pivot.  Many of the founders considered a pivot.  Founders lost focus on the goal to sell.  Johnny wanted a proof of concept such that they could be acquired. Not all the founders agreed.

Their Ideal Client – Face Book Fan Pages in the industry of Music, Artists, and Politicians.

Progress vs Perfection

Successful Startup is dependent upon ….

  • Know your Ideal Client
  • Have clarity on your intent.
  • Unbundle what you’ve done,
  • Don’t let Ego drive decisions.

Where to Connect with Johnny Campbell

Riseupandwin.com – Promotional products
LinkedIn  Johnny Campbell the Transition Man
30 minute free consulation thetransitionman@gmail.com Subject: 30 Minute Babble Session

Listen next week for Johnny’s Start up Story

How to Pitch a StartUp and Get Funded Joe Micallef #122

Pitch a Startup with Joe MicallefHow to Pitch a StartUp with Joe Micallef

Joe Micallef is an international business and sales consultant with expertise in the start up world. Many founders have a passion about their business, but haven’t a clue on how to sell their idea to investors and pitch a startup. In this episode Joe share’s advice on how to pitch an investment banker or Venture Capital company.

Pitch is just a Wish

When you pitch a startup it’s not a sales presentation. The goal is to get a meeting with investors.  Don’t expect to be funded on the spot. This is not Shark Tank.  At that meeting you will be able to have a conversation regarding the features and benefits of your company.  It takes time to build credibility and find funding.  During the meeting you’ll be able to see if funding  makes sense for both parties.

WISH Principal

W – Tell them Who you are and What you do.
I – Tell them something Interesting.
S – Tell them about your Service, your Solution.
H – Have an ASK, what action you want them to take.

Don’t finish with “Are there any questions?” Have a call to action such as …. “Would you like to learn more?”   Script it out. Tailor it to your business.

Advice for Startup Founders

Every entrepreneur needs to be a sales person.  You can’t hire business development unless you know sales.  It will take skill just to convince them to work for you.  To pitch a startup you will need to learn sales.

Joe Micallef – Executive Coaching Partner

Joe provides business and sales consulting in the financial industry at SalesITV   in Chicago IL. You can find him in the usual places:

Listen About Our China Adventure

As you may know my wife Denise has taken a position as Principal in an American school in Zheng Zhou China. She has started a new blog and we’ve added a podcast to share our journey.  It’s call The Journey of a Thousand Miles. 
It’s just been published on iTunes and Stitcher.  Come listen!