How To Overcome Your Fear of Cold Calling #429

How To Overcome Your Fear of Cold Calling #429

If you’re new to sales or if you’ve been in sales for awhile, you know the anxiety that comes with cold calling. Deep in the pit of your stomach you shudder at the idea of calling someone out of the blue. You look for marketing techniques that will motivate strangers to call you, but in the end, those things don’t work, do they. Sometimes the only way to get to the decision maker is to dial them up. Think how much easier it would be if you looked forward to outreach. Let’s investigate this idea of overcoming your fear of cold calling and doing what we can to overcome that fear.

Today’s Chapter: Fear of Cold Calling

Friend or stranger, all are just people,
Two sides of the same coin

Yet curiously, greeting a stranger,
Qualifying their needs
Asking for an opportunity
This Is the seller’s greatest fear.

Avoiding fear is no solution
What will be will be

Today’s Story

Pat was excited to staff a new SDR and taught Chris everything there was about cold calling. Yet from the start it was clear that Chris had a bad case of call reluctance. Chris did all kinds of things to avoid making the calls. 

Pat noticed and said “I get where you’re coming from. When we were kids we were told to not talk to strangers right? But we’re not kids anymore. Think about all your friends. Once upon a time they were strangers.” 

“That’s true” said Chris, “I never thought about it from that point of view”

Pat went on “The most important thing to remember when cold calling is to keep polishing your opening line, don’t try to close them but get them to commit to a meeting later on. We have real solutions that can make the world a better place. It never hurts to ask if they are looking for help. I bet we can”

Take Action Quote

The very first sales book I bought was Stephen Schiffman’s “Cold Calling Techniques that Really Work”  Schiffman said “As a salesman making cold calls, you face a powerful foe: the status quo. This is your true enemy – the attitude of most customers that they are perfectly happy with what they already have.”  

I bet you have a great solution to a genuine problem or desire your ideal client needs. Why not share it? What’s the worst that can happen to you? They hang up? In the big scheme of life, is that so bad. If you keep cold calling in context, there is more good than bad, but only if you keep at it. 

In the film True Grit, John Wayne says “Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.”  Each morning saddle up, smile and dial.

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How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

You can be yourself when selling. It’s all about helping others with their challenges and aspirations. I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discuss all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most important the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it. Learn the selling secrets for non-sellers and start making a difference today. Here is the entire back catalog of episodes in the sales podcast.  Look here

This is a production of Habanero Media

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