How To Make Quota Without Hurry #475

How To Make Quota Without Hurry #475

We live in an impatient world. Everybody wants everything done in a New York minute. It’s gotten to be that every desire is considered a ticking time bomb that must be disarmed right now. But this is the thing, our desires are not that important. What blows up in our face is the disappointment that we didn’t get what we wanted.  Lao Tzu said that “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” . So how can we make quota if we don’t hurry? That’s the topic for today

Today’s Chapter: Time Sediment and Grit

Glacial rivers
wear away mighty mountains
with time, sediment, and grit.

With grit, the Master Seller works opportunities others abandon.

With tenacity they chisel away objections.
With persistence they wear away concerns.

Each sale has its own nature
And can be won
given enough time,

Today’s Story

One day Pat was reviewing Chris’s pipeline and noticed all the effort being put into the Lee deal. Pat started by saying “You know you can’t close them this quarter. Companies like Lee don’t have budget available until July”.  

“So what should I do?” said Chris. “What can I do to close them?”

“Nothing” said Pat. “Doubling your effort on them will go nowhere. This isn’t car sales. You can’t motivate them buy by asking “What’s it going to take to drive this car off the lot tonight.” No, that won’t work. It’s going to take time and patience to win this deal.”

Head shaking Chris said “But I don’t have time for that. What do I do in the meantime?”

“Prospect” said Pat. “To say you don’t have time, is like saying you don’t want to. Put your energy into creating more opportunities. The more deals you’re working, the higher the likelihood one of them will close. In this industry you have to play the long game. Impatience and wrong expectations will defeat your spirit.”

Take Action Quote

Aesop’s Fable, The Tortoise and the Hare shares  the proverb

“Slow and steady wins the race.” 

The same is true in sales. Patient work will eventually conquer any problem. Complex deals have many moving parts and it’s better to accept the nature of those deals and give them time to close.In the meanwhile, there are a multitude of opportunities to address. Let’s look at those!  The Tao teaches us to accept the universe as it is. Better to work within it than against it.

Habanero Media Network

You too can start a B2B podcast today. Listen to our other podcasts at Habanero Media and discover podcasting how can ignite your selling success.

This is the Cannabis Advocate Podcast 

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is deeply understanding what buyers need, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to make a decision that is both good for their business and yours. See

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

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If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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Why Competition is Not Your Enemy #474

Why Competition is Not Your Enemy #474

One big issue I have with the selling profession is the pervasive view that competition is a zero-sum game where there are only winners and losers. These  people believe that for them to succeed, someone else must fail which leads to a fear of being on the losing side. This kind of fear can be detrimental to success. It undercuts confidence and creates unrealistic expectations.

Losing is a losing proposition and viewing your competition as the enemy is a slippery slope towards failure. Today we investigate how your greatest competitor is not your competitor, it’s something else.  

Today’s Chapter: Competition is Not Your Enemy

For the Master Seller,
Selling is a great adventure
For the novice a
profession of frustration, dread and fear.

There is no greater illusion than fear,
no greater wrong than preparing to defend yourself,
no greater misfortune than making an enemy of your competition.

Whoever can see through all fear
will always be safe.
Whoever can see the needs of their clients
will grow market share.

Today’s Story

On the last day of the trade show Chris called Pat to share an update. 

Pat answered, “Hey Chris, how did it go this week, did you learn anything?” 

Chris replied “I’m really worried. Yesterday I walked the aisles and saw that our nemesis has a new offering. It’s an interesting new feature and it’s going to steal all our business. We need to start working on this now!” 

Pat laughed. “Relax. There is nothing to be overly concerned about. Remember that fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future. If we can acknowledge our fear, we can realize that right now we are okay. Right now, today, our clients are happy. What’s more important is what they told us at the tradeshow. Not what the other guy is doing.”

Pat paused.  After a while Chris responded.

“I did talk to some of our clients. They’re very happy. Many of them were chatty and volunteered advice on what we should be working on”. 

Pat smiled. “Oh that’s good news. This is the list I really want to hear about. It’s good to keep up on the competition but keeping up on the customers, that’s what matters today.’”

Take Action Quote

Sun Tzu wrote in the “Art of War”,

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

Don’t fear competition. Monopolies nurture mediocrity while competition forces us to do our best. In the long run, the race is only with yourself and the only bad race is the one that didn’t happen.


Habanero Media Network

You too can start a B2B podcast today. Listen to our other podcasts at Habanero Media and discover podcasting how can ignite your selling success.

This is the Cannabis Advocate Podcast 

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is deeply understanding what buyers need, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to make a decision that is both good for their business and yours. See

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

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If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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How to Sell With No Assumptions #460

How to Sell With No Assumptions #460


Have you ever tried to sell a prospect something they really don’t want? Did you do it because it’s the only thing you have that’s remotely close to what the buyer needs?  This is a terrible position to be in, right?  Lao Tzu teaches that the Master has no mind of their own, only the mind of the people. We do this by not assuming and adopting a helpful attitude. How do we sell with no assumptions? That’s the topic for today.

Today’s Chapter: Blank Canvas

Some clients see their desires clearly
While others have blurred vision.
Some buyers are honest
while others work an angle.

The Master Seller views each sale a blank canvas
They have no mind of their own
They work with the mind of the buyer.
And paint what the prospect sees.

No matter their intent they nurture clients
as parents nurture children.

Today’s Story

Chris offered solution after solution to Lee, but Lee wasn’t buying it. The harder Chris tried, the harder Lee pushed back. Chris wasn’t getting anywhere. 

“I don’t know what to do.” said Chris. 

“I feel like I’ve tried everything”

Pat responded,

“Have you tried restarting from square one? Sometimes going back to the primary issue, is the path forward”.

Head shaking Chris said,

“That’s going to take forever! We’ve already gone over all that”

“Have you?” said Pat.


“So why isn’t Lee buying?”

Chris paused, then paused again. Pat then spoke.

“I think you’re trying to put a square peg in a round hole. The solutions we’ve offered aren’t solutions.  Let’s not assume and start with a blank slate. Let’s  move this deal forward, by going backward”

Take Action Quote

According to Paul Cezanne the French post-impressionist painter,

“It’s so fine and yet so terrible to stand in front of a blank canvas.”

This is true of selling too. If the prospects could do it for themselves, they would. But this is the thing, they can’t. It’s for us, the seller,  to help them paint the solution. 

Trust buyers who are trustworthy and also trust those who aren’t trustworthy. This is real trust.  Trust yourself and trust that you can help them, if they want help. It’s their call.

Habanero Media Network

You too can start a B2B podcast today. Listen to our other podcasts at Habanero Media and discover podcasting how can ignite your selling success.

This is the Cannabis Advocate Podcast 

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discuss all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most important the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it.

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

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If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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How to Unstuck Stuck Deals #459

How to Unstuck Stuck Deals #459

Ever have a deal that won’t move forward and you’re not sure what to do? You don’t want to call it a lost deal. It’s not exactly dead but it’s frustrating, right? You’re working with an advocate in the organization and they’re onboard.  But that’s not true for everyone in the organization. You don’t have to be Lao Tzu to know that failing to adapt has profound consequences. So what’s a seller to do to unstuck stuck deals? That’s the topic for today.

Today’s Chapter: Stuck Deals

With no urgency,
today looks like yesterday.
With no change in priorities,
Tomorrow looks like today.

Change instills fear and doubt.
The status quo is defended.

Douse fear
as water douses fire,
mitigate risk,
and grease the rails of change.

Stuck deals unstuck in time.
A slow river knows it will get there eventually.

Today’s Story

Chris and Pat met for their weekly one-on-one.  For the second month Pat asked about the lack of progress on one deal. “What’s going on here?” queried Pat. “I thought this deal had legs and would have been closed by now”.  “I know” said Chris. “But once Lee, the CFO, started getting involved,  IT started to get scared. Production wants to move forward but nobody wants to accept any risk”.  

Pat nodded.  “Like I always say, our greatest competitor is the status quo. They’ve not embraced the risk reward tradeoff. This is where you need to step it up. “    Pat went on,

 “Keep focusing on the reason they originally reached out to us. Make it clear it’s only going to get worse the longer they push off the decision. For each of the decision makers, peel them off, one by one and listen to their concerns. I bet we can address each and everyone of them. This prospect is not that different from all our other clients. Be patient, listen well, show caring and we can unstuck this stuck deal.

Take Action Quote

According to author Shannon L. Alder.

“Fear is the glue that keeps you stuck. Faith is the solvent that sets you free.” 

This applies to sales too. Change can be exhausting, frustrating and, frankly, inconvenient. But change is also constant in all our lives. Lao Tzu depicts the “path of life” as in constant motion and flux. When helping our clients, we must keep this in mind for it is the “path of sales” too. Have faith and it will all work out.

Habanero Media Network

You too can start a B2B podcast today. Listen to our other podcasts at Habanero Media and discover podcasting how can ignite your selling success.

This is the Cannabis Advocate Podcast 

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discuss all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most important the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it.

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

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If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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How to Beat The Competition #430

How to Beat The Competition #430

Does it chill you when you talk to a prospect and they mention they have your competitor? Does it seem like the competition is better than you? They’re  faster, cheaper, has higher quality and there is nothing you can do to overcome them? Or maybe you can’t wrap your head around why your prospects even consider the competition. You know their products are crap and you’ve got superior solutions and each time you hang up the phone you mumble, what fools!  If this rings familiar, the Tao has advice you just might find valuable and give you, a competitive advantage.

Today’s Chapter:  Awake to Competition

Awake to the marketplace
Never underestimate the competition
Respecting their strengths
Yet keen to their weaknesses
Discovering opportunities
Ever watchful of impending threats.

Underestimating your competition
means thinking that they are evil
You destroy the three greatest things
of Patience, Simplicity, Collaboration

Today’s Story

In the hallway Chris pulled Pat aside and said “Pat!  I keep losing deals to the competition. There are two players that keep beating me out and I don’t know how to overcome them. What should I do?” 

Pat nodded in agreement and responded. “We have tough competitors. They have been in the market longer than us and are more well known. But we have the new innovation and that’s going to be the differentiator for some clients. 

Do this: each time you talk to a prospect that has the competition, find out why they like them, why they stay, and discern what we’re missing. This is gold for our product team. Also ask about what the competition is missing. This knowledge will help guide your qualifying.  

Lastly, always remember your greatest competitor is inertia. We lose more deals to a prospect making no decision vs all the competition combined. When we patiently collaborate with our prospects, they seem most interested in becoming loyal clients”.

Take Action Quote

Dale Carnegie, the author of “How to Win Friends and Influence People” once wrote,

“The world is so full of people who are grabbing and self-seeking. So the rare individual who unselfishly tries to serve others has an enormous advantage. He has little competition.” 

Worthy competition makes us better competitors. Competition pushes innovation and makes the world a better place. When you see your competitors with a healthy point of view, it allows us to focus first and foremost on our prospects and clients. It’s in serving them vs beating the competition where we find success.

Sales Babble Research Study

I just commissioned a research study to better understand the interests of listeners and the challenges they face. It will only take two minutes. Thank you for your help!

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

You can be yourself when selling. It’s all about helping others with their challenges and aspirations. I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discuss all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most important the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it. Learn the selling secrets for non-sellers and start making a difference today. Here is the entire back catalog of episodes in the sales podcast.  Look here

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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What To Do When Your Deal Goes Sideway #428

What To Do When Your Deal Goes Sideway #428

Ever been in a situation where just as you thought the deal was won, it all fell apart like a house of cards? It’s painful, I know. Especially given the fact that you may have invested a mass of time and energy and now it appears it’s all to no avail. Frustrating right? What are you to do when your deals go sideways? That’s the chapter for today.

Today’s Chapter: Sideway Deal

When a deal is in harmony
It advances with ease and grace.
When a deal goes sideways
There is confusion and doubt.

The changing of the guard,
A block on funding
Or stakeholder grudge can create the Great Illusion called fear.

Like a filled cup,
You must empty your thoughts before refilling it.
Allowing for possibility not yet revealed.

People often fail at the verge of success,
Give as much care to the end,
as to the beginning.

Today’s Story

Chris was excited when the prospects agreed to sign the service agreement. It took a lot of effort to get this deal over the goal line. But then there was a twist. 

One of the stakeholders loudly expressed doubts about the purchase and soon the entire buying team was getting cold feet. The deal had gone sideways. 

“I’m not sure what to do next”, said Chris. “I thought we had this signed sealed and delivered.”

Pat commiserated but added  “I had a sense you rushed the deal and pushed the boss to    close. When it comes to some organizations, it only takes one no vote to veto the purchase. Sometimes at the last minute the budget gets yanked and once I had a Champion on my side and they quit to take a better job. Just like that, poof, my deal went sideways. 

These things happen, be patient, restart the conversation and assume your back to square one. Good luck!”

Take Action Quote

In a letter to his son in 1930, Albert Einstein wrote “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” As a lifelong bicyclist this resonates with me. 

Gravity is unrelenting. When peddling we need to make constant corrections to stay upright and not fall sideways. The same is true when selling. Just when you think the deal is made, it starts to fall over. Never forget, the deal isn’t done until your paid, you get the PO or the contract is signed. 

Just because they say they’re willing to buy, doesn’t mean they will buy. Expect trouble at every turn, do due diligence and let the deal take as long as it needs to take.  Expect the worst, but hope for the best. That’s the way to approach a sideway deal.

Sales Babble Research Study

I just commissioned a research study to better understand the interests of listeners and the challenges they face. It will only take two minutes. Thank you for your help!

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

You can be yourself when selling. It’s all about helping others with their challenges and aspirations. I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discuss all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most important the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it. Learn the selling secrets for non-sellers and start making a difference today. Here is the entire back catalog of episodes in the sales podcast.  Look here

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

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If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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How to Get Buyers to Sell Themselves #423

Self Checkout

 How to Get Buyers to Sell Themselves #423

Self Checkout Sell YourselfOne great struggle sellers often face is knowing when and how to close a deal. They have no problem demonstrating the product or describing the service. But when it comes to asking for the sale, it’s a challenge to do so elegantly and not sound pushy. That’s the topic for today and here’s a hint:  it’s to get  buyers to sell themselves!

Today’s Chapter:  Ask and You Shall Receive

Like a flashlight in the dark
The Master Seller sheds light on solutions
When muddled and confused
They ask the buyer
What would you do
If you had more time?
What would you do
If it was easier to do your job?
What would you do
With the money this solution would save?

By asking, the buyer reflects,
With reflection, comes understanding
With understanding, a decision
And the decision to purchase.

By asking, you receive.
By questioning, you are answered.

Today’s Story

During the sales call Chris methodically explained all the features, going through them patiently, one by one.  After a while the questions started to slow down and it was unclear where the prospect Lee stood. Chris was stymied on the next steps and looked over and caught Pat’s eye.

Pat spoke up.  “Like we shared Lee, this solution will raise the quality of your product 8% while cutting the time down 50%. What would you do with those savings?” 

Lee paused, looked up into the air and said “I guess we would use the savings to expand the new product line…” Then Lee went on and talked at length about the possibilities with the increased savings and it was soon clear Lee was ready to buy. 

Pat closed by saying “Wow I see what you mean, this really is a good fit. Do you want to get this started next week?”

And with that, the deal was closed.

Take Action Quote

The post impressionist painter  Paul Cezanne said “Time and reflection change the sight little by little ’til we come to understand.” The same is true of prospects. If you can get them to reflect on the possibility of your solution, you can get them to sell themselves.

The Gospel of Matthew chapter 7  says: “Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened to you. You couldn’t get sounder sales advice. 

Thank Our Sponsor Wingman

I’m excited to share that Sales Babble has a new sponsor, Wingman. Wingman is an actionable conversation intelligence platform that unlocks insights from every sales interaction. You can use Wingman to record your calls, review deals, scale coaching and build a repeatable sales machine. Wingman uses best-in-class Automatic Speech. Recognition (ASR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms specifically for sales.

Go to and get a free trial today. Wingman, your source for actionable sales intelligence. 

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble


Sales Babble is the podcast that shares selling secrets for non-sellers. There is no need to be pushy, aggressive or uncomfortable reaching out to prospective buyers. Modern selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and then helping them to make a decision that is both good for their business and yours.

We discuss all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most important the right selling mindset.

Let’s stop fearing sales and embrace it. Learn the selling secrets for non-sellers and start making a difference today. Here is the entire back catalog of episodes in the sales podcast

This is a production of Habanero Media  at

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Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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How To Advance the Sale #414

Advance Button

How To Advance the Sale #414

Advance Button

Have you ever been on a sales call and after you hang up  it seems like the deal is going excruciatingly slow? Like a glacier melt? Well…. you’re not the only one which is why on today’s episode I address why deals don’t move faster by better understanding the sales process, the buying process and the strategy of what it means to advance the sale with the aim to close someday, but not today. 

Today’s Chapter: Advance the Sale

Questions leads to sharing
Sharing leads to appointment
Appointment leads to possibility
Possibility leads to belief
Belief leads to a quote
Quote leads to purchase.

The largest of sales begin with a response to the smallest of acts.
This is called advancing the sale.

Today’s Story

Pat and Chris left the sales call and walked out to the parking lot. They chatted about the weather and what a nice day it turned out to be. When they got to the car, they were out of earshot from the office. It was then when Pat spoke, “So how do you think it went?”  “I don’t know” responded Chris, “they seemed interested, but guarded. I was hoping they would agree to buy but it was clear, they weren’t ready.”

“I agree” said Pat “ but we did advance the sale. I like that they asked about some of our existing clients and they were particularly focused on our new features. We’ve got our homework to do but we’re still in the game.”

“You don’t think they’re just too nice to say they don’t want to buy?” asked Chris”  “Not all” said Pat “ What I’ve found is the more we meet the higher the likelihood they will buy. Today we’ve advanced the sale and that’s a good day of work.

Take Action Quote

This reminds me of the quote from Frederick Douglas, the former slave and abolitionist who said “If there is no struggle, there is no progress”.   We’re sales professionals. We’re, not order takers. If buying your product was easy you would only need to put a order form on your website and watch the sales roll in.   But that doesn’t work for expensive and complex products and services. That’s not what we do. There is a process to buying and if you quit the process you will quit the result. Count it a win if you can advance the sale. When you do, you’ve done your job.

Thank Our Sponsor Wingman

I’m excited to share that Sales Babble has a new sponsor, Wingman. Wingman is an actionable conversation intelligence platform that unlocks insights from every sales interaction. You can use Wingman to record your calls, review deals, scale coaching and build a repeatable sales machine. Wingman uses best-in-class Automatic Speech. Recognition (ASR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms specifically for sales.

Go to and get a free trial today. Wingman, your source for actionable sales intelligence. 

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers. There is no need to be pushy, aggressive or uncomfortable reaching out to prospective buyers. Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours.

You can listen to our podcast on any podcast app and if you signup for our newsletter you will be able to download a free copy of the Tao Te Ching of Sales eBook. This book has been the inspiration for these Sales Babble episodes and you can see what topics we’ll be covering in the future. Use this book for daily inspiration with short one page chapters on a balanced non-pushy approach when selling.

You can be yourself when selling. It’s all about helping others with their challenges and aspirations. I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discuss all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most important the right selling mindset.

Stop fearing sales and embrace it. Learn the selling secrets for non-sellers and start making a difference today. Here is the entire back catalog of episodes in the sales podcast. 

This is a production of Habanero Media 

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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How to Control a Sale, By Not Controlling It #413

 How to Control a Sale, By Not Controlling It #413

Are you obsessed with having things your way, are you frustrated when deals seem out of control, and nothing goes the way you planned. If so, today’s chapter of the Tao Te Ching of Sales may provide a bit of relief for your suffering when managing a pipeline feels more like herding cats. Let’s babble about how to control a sale, by not controlling it. 


Today’s Chapter: Controlling the Sale

Crooked with words
the sale goes sideways.
Rushing the close
the deal comes to a halt.
Showing off and preening
Shows little.
Clinging to a few leads
Chases business away.

Hard rules on handling, manipulating, and fooling the buyer
never acknowledges what truly rules.

By not controlling the sale, the sale is controlled.
Each deal has its own course
Just do your job , then let go.

Today’s Story

Chris was a self admitted control freak, trying to control every aspect of every buyer as well as the entire sales funnel. Commendable yes! But exhausting and surprisingly not as successful as expected. Despite worry and guessing what could go wrong, the deals never progressed as planned. Buyers would change direction in a moment’s notice. They would make requests from out of the blue, and nothing Chris could do would prepare for the unforeseen.

During a one-on-one, Pat walked through the pipeline with Chris. In frustration Chris opened up and shared how chaotic the deals felt and how difficult it was to control the sale.

Pat laughed from personal experience knowing that the tighter you squeeze a slippery fish, the faster it slips out and back in the water. Pat said…

“Expect change, it’s the one constant in the world. Customers are never going to go the path we expect. What we should expect is the unexpected. They don’t all act alike. They don’t all have the same pains and aspirations. The best way to control a sale, is to not control it. Let each deal take its own course. Let the buyers reveal their wants and needs at their own pace and address them one by one, as they come.”

Take Action Quote

In 2013 I visited the ancient city of Ephesus in Turkey. It’s now a ruins and tourist destination excavated by archeologists Once upon a time it was a a thriving Persian sea town Between the 4th and 5th centuries BCE, there lived the Greek Philosopher named Heraclitus who loved paradox and wordplay, not unlike Lao Tze and his Tao Te Ching. Heraclitus, believed in the unity of opposites and harmony in the world. He is quoted as saying “No man ever steps in the same river twice” Why? because a river is always flowing, always moving, always changing and it’s never exactly the same at any one time. The same is true for each prospect you meet and each deal you work. Expect change, that’s true control.

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers. There is no need to be pushy, aggressive or uncomfortable reaching out to prospective buyers. Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours.

You can listen to our podcast on any podcast app and if you signup for our newsletter you will be able to download a free copy of the Tao Te Ching of Sales eBook. This book has been the inspiration for these Sales Babble episodes and you can see what topics we’ll be covering in the future. Use this book for daily inspiration with short one page chapters on a balanced non-pushy approach when selling.

You can be yourself when selling. It’s all about helping others with their challenges and aspirations. I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discuss all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most important the right selling mindset.

Stop fearing sales and embrace it. Learn the selling secrets for non-sellers and start making a difference today. Here is the entire back catalog of episodes in the sales podcast. 

This is a production of Habanero Media 

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.

This is a production of Habanero Media 

Thank Our Sponsor Vidyard

Vidyard is an easy-to-use yet powerful video solution that makes it simple to create videos, host them ad-free, share them with others, and track their performance. Whether you’re recording a video for one person or sharing it with the world —– on your website —-, it’s easy to manage your video content. Vidyard’s solution is built for business, with robust analytics, integrations with top enterprise tools,  and customization options that answer businesses’ unique needs

Sign up for Vidyard free account today by going to Start using Vidyard completely free and as a bonus get their State of Virtual Selling Report!

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Buying Signs – How to Read Buyer Interest #406

Buying Signs – How to Read Buyer Interest #406

Have you ever studied how to read body language? In this episode we delve into the ability to read the tea leaves of a buyer, and ways to know if they’re genuinely interested in buying, or just faking interest. 

Today’s Chapter –  Buying Signs

If you want to demonstrate a solution
you must first allow the buyer to question it
If you want to generate curiosity
you must first allow them hold it
If you want them to understand
You must first let them describe how it will meet their needs.

Look for subtle behaviors of ownership.
To close a deal you need only ask,
will this work?

Today’s  Story – 

At the sales meeting Chris handed the product to Lee. Lee was fascinated and kept turning the product over and over and then passed the product to a colleague. Next, the two of them pondered how the product would fit into their current manufacturing process. Deep during their discussion Chris interrupted, to bring up some features that hadn’t been explained. Pat nudged Chris with a penetrating stare. Chris was mystified, yet quieted down.  By the end of the meeting Lee was excited to proceed and agreed to buy 20 units. It was a win.

After the meeting Chris asked Pat what the nudge was all about. “I could see, and hear,” said Pat, “that they had already taken ownership of the product. Did you hear how they brainstormed ways of making it work in their business? The more they talked, the more they sold themselves! That’s why when I asked them if this would work, they said yes, immediately. Look for the buying signs. When you see them, back off and let them close themselves

Take Action Quote

As I’ve mentioned before I’m a big fan of the Stoic philosophers and I’m reminded of the famous quote by Epictetus who said “We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as many times as we speak”.

By being present to the moment, you can read what the buyer is thinking. If they’re talking themselves into a purchase, let them.  Look for the buying signs. Don’t get in the way!

How To Find The Tao Te Ching of Sales

Many years ago I authored a thrice a week blog titled the “Tao Te Ching of Sales“.   It based on a book of poems titled the “Tao Te Ching” by the Chinese philosopher Lao Tze. It dives into non-pushy sales based on the teaching of Wu Wei “non-doing”.  You can learn more here:

This is a production of Habanero Media 

Thank Our Sponsor Vidyard

Vidyard is an easy-to-use yet powerful video solution that makes it simple to create videos, host them ad-free, share them with others, and track their performance. Whether you’re recording a video for one person or sharing it with the world —– on your website —-, it’s easy to manage your video content. Vidyard’s solution is built for business, with robust analytics, integrations with top enterprise tools,  and customization options that answer businesses’ unique needs

Sign up for Vidyard free account today by going to Start using Vidyard completely free and as a bonus get their State of Virtual Selling Report!

Thank Our Sponsor Habanero Media

We help busy B2B companies  attract new customers and clients through the magic of podcasting! Start your B2B podcast today and grow your brand, authority, influence and trust.

Download Why Your Business Needs a B2B Podcast here.

Sales Consulting To Grow Your Business

Pat helps technology startups and businesses discover the true value they bring to market, find customers who deeply appreciate that value then scale that process to extraordinary profits. We do this with modern 2020 sales and marketing techniques. 

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Pushy sales doesn’t work! The key is to build trust over time. What  tools do we use?  LinkedIn, Email and the power of the Voice Mail.

We believe and teach the value of a helping mindset. Your prospective customers have challenges, hopes and aspirations. They need your help. All you need to do is build their trust, and faith, in your organization. Learn  how we help here. Once it’s clear you can help, you will have loyal clients for life. When you bring value you make sales. Or if you’re a startup, learn sales for engineers and skills to promote your new venture.

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.

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