Looking For Deals In All The Wrong Places #469

Looking For Deals In All The Wrong Places #469

Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Looking for deals in too many faces? As markets come and go, it’s easy to get an achy breaky heart. But sometimes, through no fault of our own, what used to work, stops working. If there’s one thing the Tao Te Ching has repeatedly told us is that nothing lasts and the world is in constant change. So , if we  continue to do, what we’ve always done, and expect to get  different results, that’s insanity according  Einstein. Which is why it would be wise for us to take the  sweet Urban Cowboy lyrics of Johnny Lee to heart and mix things up. Sure you may get a bluebird every now and then but maybe it would make more sense to sniff out opportunities in new markets like a bird dog flushes out pheasants. Looking for deals, that’s the topic for today.

Today’s Chapter: Blue Birds Versus Bird Dogs

Sales is a mix of the hard and the easy.
Sometimes deals fall in your lap
A pleasant gift on a hard day’s work.
They are called Blue Birds.

More common the Master Seller
is a Bird Dog,
Confidently sniffing out opportunities
working to flush out new business.
Tail wagging in the field.

Patience is the test of resolve,
trust and circumstance.
The Master Seller is ever changing and evolving,
just as the markets ebb and flow.

Deals are neither easy or hard.
They just are.

Today’s Story

Pat asked Chris to review the sales forecast given they were half way through the fiscal quarter. Chris started by saying,

“Although I’ve gotten a bluebird or two I think we’ve exhausted this territory. Either they are already our customer or they have no plans to switch. If keep I working it, it’s not going to work out!”

Pat laughed ,”Yeah I’ve also been wondering if ‘ve come to the end but I’ve also been thinking about pivoting.”

“Where to?” responded Chris.

Pat went on, “Maybe we could reconfigure our offer for manufacturing. I know this is a switch, but talking to the product developers, we might be able to do it. But we first need to know if it makes sense. This is where I need you Chris”.

“How can I help?”

“Can you reach out to our existing customers and see if they have any friends we could talk to in manufacturing?”

“Sure, but if I meet these people what should I say?”

Pat smiled “Just ask them for their advice. People can be super nice and super helpful if you’re not trying to talk them into something. Just ask if we reconfigured our product for manufacturing would that add value to their organization. If enough of them say yes, let’s pull the trigger and get that new offering started”.

“I like this plan”, said Chris. And that’s how the new project got started. 

Take Action Joke

I’m reminded of the joke where a policeman sees a drunk man searching for something under a streetlight and asks what the drunk has lost. He says he lost his keys and they both look under the streetlight together. After a few minutes the policeman asks if he is sure he lost them here, and the drunk replies, no, that he lost them in the park. The policeman asks why he is searching here, and the drunk replies, “this is where the light is.”   Sometimes when selling, it’s easy to fall into the habit and look for buyers where it’s easiest to sell.  But ask yourself, are you certain qualified prospects are actually here? If it’s been awhile, it might make sense to look in the park, next morning!

Habanero Media Network

You too can start a B2B podcast today. Listen to our other podcasts at Habanero Media and discover podcasting how can ignite your selling success.

This is the Cannabis Advocate Podcast 

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See https://salesbabble.com

I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discuss all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most important the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it.

This is a production of Habanero Media https://habaneromedia.net

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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Listening Options

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How To Do First Things First When Selling #463

How To Do First Things First When Selling #463

Have you ever been in a situation where a small mistake in the beginning messed up a deal at the end? This happens when you get impatient and try  to skip steps and push selling a little too hard. I just learned this the other day that impatience  is really entitlement. It’s thinking “how dare that prospect not sign on the dotted line “.  So it begs the question, what makes you so important? Who are you to make decisions for your prospects? Isn’t it their money they’re spending? Isn’t their problem they want to solve? Look I get it.  I know these mistakes because  I’ve made them myself and sadly it never goes well. What’s difficult is not overdoing it and finding that balance. That’s the topic for today

Today’s Chapter: Do the Difficult First When Selling

Each Seller is responsible for many tasks
Yet all tasks are not equal.

Do the difficult ones while they are easy.
Do the key tasks while they are small.
Great oak trees start from a single acorn.
Getting started is often the greatest struggle.

The Master Seller doesn’t make the sale happen.
They allow the sale to happen.
They let go of manipulation,
 cajoling and harassing.

They simply remind the buyers of
who they are
and how they can help.

No matter the length of the sales cycle
It all begins with a single outreach.

Today’s Story

Clearly Chris was working hard. Oftentimes the first to arrive in the morning and the last to leave at night. Given all the effort, Pat was surprised by the meager number of deals in Chris’s pipeline. One day Pat remarked,

“With all your effort, I’m surprised your sales funnel isn’t filled to the top.” 

Chris leaned back “I know I know but day after day I keep running out of time”.

Pat paused and then asked “I took a peak at your sales funnel yesterday and have some thoughts. Would you like to hear them?”

Chris’s eyes widened “Yes!” 

 “I noticed that many of the prospects are not well qualified and many of the deals have not engaged the decision maker. I also see you spend a lot of time fetching information for prospects who aren’t that interested plus devote hours to internal conversations at the office.. Any one of these things wouldn’t be a problem but all added together, they can overwhelm an entire day” 

Chris nodded and then Pat went on,

“Lao Tze said that the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. The most important task you have each day is to reach out and advance each opportunity according to where they’re at. Engage the buyers to advance the deals as they see fit. Busy work doesn’t bring value. Value is in the eye of the customers .“

Take Action Quote

Rushing into action, you will fail. Trying to grasp a deal you will lose it. Forcing a prospect to close, you will ruin all possibility of ever closing them. Too often the sale is lost to early mistakes so it’s best to prevent trouble from the start. 

According to the Book of Ecclesiastes

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens”

The same is true when selling.

Discover, qualify, schedule, listen, each is dependent on the other.  Deals progress step by step. No steps can be skipped.  With patience and gratitude it’s best we allow the sale to happen of its own accord. Since you haven’t closed the deal, you have nothing to lose. Relax, have faith. It will all work out. 

Habanero Media Network

You too can start a B2B podcast today. Listen to our other podcasts at Habanero Media and discover podcasting how can ignite your selling success.

This is the Cannabis Advocate Podcast 

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See https://salesbabble.com

I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discuss all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most important the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it.

This is a production of Habanero Media https://habaneromedia.net

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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Listening Options

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Master Selling is NOT a Numbers Game #462

Master Selling is NOT a Numbers Game #462

Have you heard the idea that the more no’s you get the more yeses you will hear? This notion is based on the idea that sales is a numbers game. It teaches that the path to success is getting comfortable with constant rejection and hitting on everybody you meet hoping you’ll bump into a qualified lead. So it begs the question. When it comes to sales, is this the best strategy for lead generation a numbers game? Maybe sometimes?

Today’s Chapter: Weed Out Poor Leads

Like the farmer cultivating their crop
the Master Seller weeds out poor leads.
They refuse to play the numbers game
that more leads means, more sales.

They delight with qualified leads
providing each with patience and respect,
Knowing qualified prospects bear fruit.

Honing their knowledge
they waste little time on poor prospects,
knowing it’s not how many people they meet,
but the quality of those they serve.

Today’s Story

Chris turned to Pat and asked “When it comes to lead generation, what’s more important? Quantity or Quality?”

“Neither is better than the other “ responded Pat, “Different methods work better for different businesses. “

“What about our business?” queried Chris.

“Well” said Pat, “When it comes to marketing, especially in B2C, marketers cast a wide net to increase brand awareness. They focus on conversions. There is a real need for this.  But for B2B sellers, people like us, it’s all about the curated quality lead. 

‘How so?” asked Chris.

Pat paused and then responded,

“If you focus on a few qualified prospects, activities, and connections, you’re less distracted. And this is good because distraction can jeopardize deals. Choosing quality over quantity means we have fewer prospects to take care of. The prospects we have get more attention and buyers notice. 

When it comes to the relationship business I prefer less friction and  always favor quality over quantity. When you get a lead, do some vetting to see if they’re worth the effort. Qualifying the prospect beforehand or asking a few questions can make a big difference in your day. It’s the easy path.”

Take Action Quote

Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Stoic philosopher of Ancient Rome wrote  

It is quality rather than quantity that matters.

Now there is nothing wrong with quantity if you’re a marketer. But for sellers like us, the key to success is building relationships with prospects who value your products and services. Dialing or spamming a list that you bought may not be the best use of your time.  If prospects don’t see the value, why waste time trying to change their minds? Silly right? For master sellers, it’s a process of cultivation and curation.

At the same time it’s the road less traveled for your competition. So differentiate yourself with a compassionate ear. These are the behaviors buyers appreciate, plus it’s easier!

Habanero Media Network

You too can start a B2B podcast today. Listen to our other podcasts at Habanero Media and discover podcasting how can ignite your selling success.

This is the Cannabis Advocate Podcast 

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See https://salesbabble.com

I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discuss all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most important the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it.

This is a production of Habanero Media https://habaneromedia.net

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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Listening Options

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Where to Look for Leads #442

Where to Look for Leads  #442

Today we talk about being lead poor, those times when you have  too few new opportunities. In those situations you are doomed to keep calling the same stale leads. Not only that, it can annoy prospects who want to buy, not not now. We talk about what we can do to generate new leads and get your sales organization back on track.  Where to look for leads, that is the question.

Today’s Chapter:  Great Source of all Leads

Stay awake to the news
Keep up on social
Seek referrals from clients
Attend networks coffee and tea

At the conference greet old friends
At the social, introductions
Referrals from client
Resource library and network events
Leads are to be found all around

Knowing there are no prospects
without leads
All is a well that never goes dry
Infinite the opportunity

They are there for the seeking

Today’s Story

Revenue was starting to slump. Pat noticed the SDR team kept following up on the same stuck deals and the reason  was clear, they were lead poor. This would not do. 

Pat turned to Chris and said “Where are you getting these leads for the team?”  The same place we always do “ Chris said” that data leadgen company.”. Pat responded, “We need to mix this up. I’ve got an idea”. With that Pat  spoke to marketing for the latest trade show leads, called up 5 clients for referrals, then stopped by the library and downloaded 100s of leads from the Business databases. 

The next day Chris was amazed by how the CRM had a fresh set of leads. “Where did you find these?” asked Chris. “A little from here and a little from there.  Leads are all around us, If these leads aren’t qualified to buy they may know people qualified to buy. Like the sunrise and sunsets, each day brings us opportunity. We only need to look.

Take Action Quote

“Most people miss Opportunity because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work”

… said the inventor Thomas A. Edison.

I know that’s a little bit harsh but I get where Edison is going. Once we get fixated on a process, it’s hard to break old habits and get creative. It’s human to do the safe thing until it’s no longer safe. Be it social media or events, it’s important to always be on the watch for new leads. Don’t assume everyone of them is qualified, but do assume they may KNOW someone who is qualified. That’s how you multiply your efforts. And nurturing relationships in your network and existing clients is another great source to look for leads.

It’s like a well that’s never used up. You can pump and pump all day and it continues to provide fresh spring water. Leads are all around us, we just need to look!

Sales Babble Research Study

I just commissioned a research study to better understand the interests of listeners and the challenges they face. It will only take two minutes. Thank you for your help!

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See https://salesbabble.com

You can be yourself when selling. It’s all about helping others with their challenges and aspirations. I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discuss all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most important the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it. Learn the selling secrets for non-sellers and start making a difference today. Here is the entire back catalog of episodes in the sales podcast.  Look here https://www.salesbabble.com/sales-podcast-free-advice/

This is a production of Habanero Media https://habaneromedia.net

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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Marketing Hacks for Sales People  with Curtis Kieres #377

Marketing Hacks for Sales People  with Curtis Kieres #377

Probably one of the most confounding dilemmas of a sales person, is the challenge of cold outreach and converting it into a scheduled sales calls. If you don’t have a full marketing department doing lead gen you’re on you own. So what’s a seller to do? Curtis Kieres is a career B2B sales professional with over 20 years experience in the high-tech space. In this episode Curtis shares his marketing hacks for sales people. He draws upon his experience selling in ERP, CRM and business management software. He walks us through his LinkedIn and Email campaigns, how he sets appointments and closes prospects on a free trial. 

Sellers Become Social Media Marketers

Digital fluency is the new language of the 21st century. Curtis is a proponent of using LinkedIn:

    1. Reach out to targeted prospects on LinkedIn
    2. Spreadsheet to track connected vs pending contacts
    3. Keeping spreadsheet in Hubspot all in one place
    4. Template Cadences that are hyper personalized
      • First message a soft approach see your a market expert would like to
      • Second message try to secures zoom call for discovery
      • Then give a demo, by presales team
    5. Doing the same thing  with email plus the addition of A/B testing  – use Apollo for email leads
    6. When they connect the conversation is all about helping them, nothing about you

Goal Of The Sales Call

The end goal of a sales call  is to get a trial. There is often hesitancy to proceed with a trial, even though it’s a free trial. It takes effort and time for a trial. Time is money. At end of trial ask you then ask the prospects if they are ready to subscribe and start a full project. If all has gone well, they will be eager to start. 

What makes sales hard in 2021?  Prospects fear technology and fear.

Marketing Hacks for Lead Generation and Sales

What’s great about Curtis is that he’s the real deal, a quota carrying sales professional who’s facing all the same challenges sales people face every single day.

How To Find Curtis Kieres

You can find Curtis on social media.

– Website www.cadmakers.com
– Facebook www.facebook.com/ckieres
– LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/curtiskieres


Thank Our Sponsor Outreach.io

Imagine having a smart assistant, like an Alexa or Siri, join your customer calls, transcribe your conversations during the call, take notes for you, summarize action items and prompt you with relevant information (and coaching from your manager) right in the moment when you need it, not after the fact…

Outreach Kaia (pronounced KAYA) is an intelligent virtual assistant that brings together real-time sales enablement and advanced AI to make every sales rep more effective, every customer conversation more productive and every coaching opportunity more precise— so you can close deals faster.

If you would like to see Kaia in action, schedule a demo at click.outreach.io/salesbabble-kaia today!


No matter how well-prepared or experienced you are as a seller, customers will catch you off guard. And you have split-seconds to react.

Unlike traditional conversation intelligence tools, Outreach Kaia is changing the game with true conversation intelligence in real time— giving you exactly the information you need, to handle anything that gets thrown at you.

Say a prospect asks you about a specific product that just launched, that you’re personally still learning the ins-and-outs of. Kaia hears this question, and automatically displays a content card with all of the information you would need to sell that new product right there.

Schedule a demo at click.outreach.io/salesbabble-kaia to see for yourself and watch those deals stack up.


Thank Our Sponsor Habanero Media

We help busy B2B companies  attract new customers and clients through the magic of podcasting! Start your B2B podcast today and grow your brand, authority, influence and trust.

Download Why Your Business Needs a B2B Podcast here.

Sales Consulting To Grow Your Business

Pat helps technology startups and businesses discover the true value they bring to market, find customers who deeply appreciate that value then scale that process to extraordinary profits. We do this with modern 2020 sales and marketing techniques. 

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Pushy sales doesn’t work! The key is to build trust over time. What  tools do we use?  LinkedIn, Email and the power of the Voice Mail.

We believe and teach the value of a helping mindset. Your prospective customers have challenges, hopes and aspirations. They need your help. All you need to do is build their trust, and faith, in your organization. Learn  how we help here. Once it’s clear you can help, you will have loyal clients for life. When you bring value you make sales. Or if you’re a startup, learn sales for engineers and skills to promote your new venture.

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.

Listening Options

You can find us on:


Power Formula For LinkedIn Success with Wayne Breitbarth #372

Power Formula for LinkedIn Success with Wayne Breitbarth #372

As you know. LinkedIn is the place to go where you virtually meet potential networks of clients and leads.  By doing what’s natural with real world, in person,  habits  you can snag opportunity from the jaws of obscurity. Our guest is author Wayne Breitbarth who shares the Power Formula for LinkedIn Success. We babble about his processes and formulas for referrals based prospecting.  o

LinkedIn Success Best Practices

LinkedIn is the #1 B2B Business development tool, especially when you use it to get referrals.  The way to do this is simple. Pick a person in your network who will be your referral source.  Next go to CONNECTIONS  click  “Connection of NAME” and then filter for the people you want to connect with.

In the title box enter keywords for people you’re searching. For example we mentioned “CMO” or “VP marketing” or “Director of marketing”.  Then ask your referral about the list you generated. Ask if  there any people on the list you don’t know? Cross them out. Of the remaining people, have  your referral partner help qualify the list.

When you get a match ask your friend, “Can I use your name if I reach out to one of these people in your network?”   Most likely they will say yes and you now have a qualified lead. Review the attached Worksheet to learn how to work with your referral source.

LinkedIn Free, Premium, and Sales Navigator

All versions of LinkedIn have some lever of searching and filtering to aid networking.

    • Free – Regular LinkedIn Platform
    • Business Premium  – everything in Regular LinkedIn platform PLUS enhanced – better filtering – you see 90 days of stalkers
    • Sales Navigator  – Different website but same database -better filtering with a zip code or mile circle

Wrong LinkedIn Profiles

People don’t explain how they can help customers on their profile. It confuses the act of selling and earning new  business from the act of getting hired. This is the big mistake:

    • Looks like you’re looking for a job
    • Doesn’t look like you’re looking for customers

Show how you solve pain points instead.   Put this in the ABOUT section and HEADLINE.

Fill out the FEATURE SECTION.  You can add links to whitepapers, sign up, worksheets, guests, YouTube videos, or your website for example.

How to Promote Content on LinkedIn

Like all social media, you can make posts on LinkedIn.

    • Have a network of your ideal clients. Post only go to your network.
    • Create posts that add value and  your network would appreciate
    • Share marketing content from your company
    • Stay on top of engagement, like and comment all those to comment on your posts for LinkedIn success

The way to turn a post into money is to follow up on everyone who likes or comments on your content.

Download Your LinkedIn Contacts

You have the ability to grab all your contacts and import them into a spreadsheet or your CRM. Wayne recommends that once on a quarterly basis, go to settings, click on  download your data, click on connections, and you will get a spreadsheet in 10 minutes.

Name –  Title – Company – Date Connected

LinkedIn is free so it’s a good idea to get this information in your hands every so often.

How To Find Wayne Breitbarth

Thank Our Sponsor Outreach

Today’s podcast is brought to you by Outreach.io   Outreach helps Sales Reps to not only close deals but to close more deals, faster.  Their platform offers a suite of automation, workflows, efficiency tools, and insights that help teams engage with leads more effectively.   Outreach is the #1 Sales Engagement Platform on the market today for a reason. It’s a must-have software solution for any Revenue Team looking to optimize and scale their business. Visit the link to  schedule an exclusive demo with Outreach today!



Thank Our Sponsor Habanero Media

We help busy B2B companies  attract new customers and clients through the magic of podcasting! Start your B2B podcast today and grow your brand, authority, influence and trust.

Download Why Your Business Needs a B2B Podcast here.

Sales Consulting To Grow Your Business

Pat helps technology startups and businesses discover the true value they bring to market, find customers who deeply appreciate that value then scale that process to extraordinary profits. We do this with modern 2020 sales and marketing techniques. 

Image result for linkedinImage result for emailImage result for telephone icon

Pushy sales doesn’t work! The key is to build trust over time. What  tools do we use?  LinkedIn, Email and the power of the Voice Mail.

We believe and teach the value of a helping mindset. Your prospective customers have challenges, hopes and aspirations. They need your help. All you need to do is build their trust, and faith, in your organization. Learn  how we help here. Once it’s clear you can help, you will have loyal clients for life. When you bring value you make sales. Or if you’re a startup, learn sales for engineers and skills to promote your new venture.

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.

Listening Options

You can find us on:


How To Get Free Leads At The Library with Kent Palmer #371

How To Get Free Leads At The Library with Kent Palmer #371

In this episode we meet business librarian Kent Palmer from the Naperville Public Library.  Kent shares eight free online resources  sales people can use to research prospects. All of the databases are free to the public and available in libraries throughout the United States. If you’re looking for free leads with contact information on a companies:

    • executives,
    • financial reports,
    • revenue results,
    • published reports,
    • SWOT analysis,
    • industry associations or
    • guidance on how to start a new business venture.

This is the episode for you.

Sales people are always looking for fresh free leads. They are right around the corner, at the library. So let’s buckle down and get to it.

Free Leads Databases

Here are 8 resources you can use to aid your business research. These databases can be filtered,  sorted and downloaded to a .csv file. Leads can be  stored on a thumb drive and uploaded into  your CRM.

    • Reference Solutions  – contact information for businesses including executives, address,  phone numbers, size of business, number of employees, revenue, and sometimes emails.
    • A to Z Database – contact information for businesses including executives, address,  phone numbers, size of business, number of employees, revenue, and free lead resources.
    • Mergent Intellect – research database for a companies financials, employees, executives, product information, subsidiaries. Contains a tool called First Research provides financial reports and credit background including D&B (Dunn and Bradstreet) resorts. You can search by industry and get key “hot points” to bring up during a sales call.
    • Gail Business Demographics– Census data in an easy to read front end interface. It make research easy to find by geography, list of residential and business prospects.
    • Gail Directory Library – Encyclopedia of associations that can be searched by keyword. Nation regional, state and local offices. Easy way to contact members and attend conferences.
    • Gail Business Entrepreneurship – Articles on how to start a business, with worksheets, handouts and training materials.
    • Gail Business Plan Builder – Tool to build a business plan if you want to raise our borrow money.
    • EBSCO Business Source Premier – Provides industry reports, company reports, SWOT analysis,  and supplemental research resources.


NaperLaunch is a free co-working space with conference rooms and public computers and software.  It’s a community for sparking collaboration and sales productivity.  The community  provides cutting-edge technology that allows members to succeed at business without the price tag.

How To Find Kent Palmer

Kent worked in sales for 28 years in the insurance industry. as a sales rep and territorial sales manager. Kent started his own agency and became aware of the free online business resources.  He was spending  $20/per lead and amazed the leads are free at the library. So amazed he decided to become a librarian.

To connect with Kent and find free leads at the library go to:

You can email Kent here or call the Naperville library at 630-961-4100

Thank Our Sponsor Outreach.io

Today’s podcast is brought to you by Outreach.io There’s nothing worse than seeing solid email engagement, but not booking meetings to continue the conversation with your customers.

Traditionally, sales teams have relied on metrics like email reply and open rates to guide their sales process, but that can be  super misleading. Instead, try this. Measure sentiment, not just vanity metrics.  Using a solution like Outreach can help you understand exactly what your ‘replies’ mean and how you should follow up. By understanding the sentiment behind the email replies, you’ll be better suited to improve your messaging, book 14% more meetings and ultimately close more deals. 

If this resonates with you, our sponsors at Outreach put together an awesome eBook about best practices for how to use buyer sentiment to streamline your sales process. Click here for the eBook! 

Thank Our Sponsor Habanero Media

We help busy B2B companies  attract new customers and clients through the magic of podcasting! Start your B2B podcast today and grow your brand, authority, influence and trust.

Download Why Your Business Needs a B2B Podcast here.

Past Episodes on How to Prospect and Generate Leads

Sales Consulting To Grow Your Business

Pat helps technology startups and businesses discover the true value they bring to market, find customers who deeply appreciate that value then scale that process to extraordinary profits. We do this with modern 2020 sales and marketing techniques. 

Image result for linkedinImage result for emailImage result for telephone icon

Pushy sales doesn’t work! The key is to build trust over time. What  tools do we use?  LinkedIn, Email and the power of the Voice Mail.

We believe and teach the value of a helping mindset. Your prospective customers have challenges, hopes and aspirations. They need your help. All you need to do is build their trust, and faith, in your organization. Learn  how we help here. Once it’s clear you can help, you will have loyal clients for life. When you bring value you make sales. Or if you’re a startup, learn sales for engineers and skills to promote your new venture.

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.

Listening Options

You can find us on:


From Screenwriting to Email Campaigns with Zack Gutin #362

From Screenwriting to Email Campaigns with Zack Gutin #362

They say California is the land of opportunity and that’s been true for guest Zack Gutin. Zack started his career as Marketing Manager at Script Magazine and  rose to become Vice President of Sales at Final Draft,  an industry-leading screenwriting software company. At Final Draft, he led the launch of several new enterprise products that lead to the company’s acquisition.  Next Zack  launched ThinkAlike Media to provide expert consulting services in sales, email campaigns, marketing, event planning and business development.

Authentic Email Campaigns

As a former screenwriter in Hollywood, Zack perfected his ability to both write and promote his writing skills. He first noticed this knack in the  email campaigns he sent to producers and directors.

Zack was able to secure meetings! The trick to success was great outreach. He advises:

    • Focus on the buyer
    • Understand their interests and non- interests
    • Demonstrate flexibility
    • Shows willingness to provide what they need

Zack says that too often budding talent moves to Los Angeles with an attitude they are to be found vs finding people who would value their ability in entertainment. Relationships matter in the long run. Being transactional only provides short term wins, not long term work.

Screen Play Email Campaigns

When crafting a marketing campaign, first set the scene, then set the actors in the scene. Consider their characters and personality. Craft dialogue that is real in the scene. Keep it engaging by telling a story.

How To Find Zack Gutin

You can find Zack in these social media links:

Thank Our Sponsor Habanero Media

We help busy B2B companies  attract new customers and clients through the magic of podcasting! Start your B2B podcast today and grow your brand, authority, influence and trust.

Download Why Your Business Needs a B2B Podcast here.

Past Episodes

Sales Consulting To Grow Your Business

Pat helps technology startups and businesses discover the true value they bring to market, find customers who deeply appreciate that value then scale that process to extraordinary profits. We do this with modern 2020 sales and marketing techniques. 

Image result for linkedinImage result for emailImage result for telephone icon

Pushy sales doesn’t work! The key is to build trust over time. What  tools do we use?  LinkedIn, Email and the power of the Voice Mail.

We believe and teach the value of a helping mindset. Your prospective customers have challenges, hopes and aspirations. They need your help. All you need to do is build their trust, and faith, in your organization. Learn  how we help here. Once it’s clear you can help, you will have loyal clients for life. When you bring value you make sales. Or if you’re a startup, learn sales for engineers and skills to promote your new venture.

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.

Listening Options

You can find us on:


How to Grow Sales with Video Testimonials with Sam Shepler #360

Sam Shepler Video Testimonials

How to Grow Sales with Video Testimonials with Sam Shepler #360

Sam Shepler Video TestimonialsToday’s guest is Sam Shepler, the founder and CEO of Testimonial Hero.  We babble about building trust with prospective clients and the value of using video testimonials that engage prospects, reduce friction in the sales cycle, and close deals faster. Sam’s mission is to enable all organizations to grow faster with video testimonials.

Video Testimonials vs Written Testimonials

Buyers struggle with differentiating one vendor from another given they’re overwhelmed with information. They are quite literally drowning in a sea of content. At the same time sales professionals, want to make sales as easy as possible.  The best advocate for a company are happy customers. This is where testimonials bring value.

Customers want to hear from other customers.  They want to limit their risk. While written testimonials have done a good job over time, the bar is moving. Buyers are living in a video world and have come to expect it as a vehicle for communication.    According to Sam, videos are the best way that revenue teams can cut through the noise and close deals faster!

How To Find Sam Shepler

To connect with Sam and learn about video testimonials:

Thank Our Sponsor Habanero Media

We help busy B2B companies  attract new customers and clients through the magic of podcasting! Start your B2B podcast today and grow your brand, authority, influence and trust.

Download Why Your Business Needs a B2B Podcast here.

Past Episodes Sales and Marketing Alignment

Sales Consulting To Grow Your Business

Pat helps technology startups and businesses discover the true value they bring to market, find customers who deeply appreciate that value then scale that process to extraordinary profits. We do this with modern 2020 sales and marketing techniques. 

Image result for linkedinImage result for emailImage result for telephone icon

Pushy sales doesn’t work! The key is to build trust over time. What  tools do we use?  LinkedIn, Email and the power of the Voice Mail.

We believe and teach the value of a helping mindset. Your prospective customers have challenges, hopes and aspirations. They need your help. All you need to do is build their trust, and faith, in your organization. Learn  how we help here. Once it’s clear you can help, you will have loyal clients for life. When you bring value you make sales. Or if you’re a startup, learn sales for engineers and skills to promote your new venture.

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.

Listening Options

You can find us on:


The Orange Squad with Dean Petrulakis #351

dean-petrulakis orange squad

The Orange Squad with Dean Petrulakis #351

BREAKING NEWS: Announcing the Orange Squad!

In response to the pandemic,  guest Dean Petrulakis  has created a collective of “Creatives” called the Orange Squad. His goal is to nurture a network of like minded individuals that will collaborate on work, projects and personal growth.  To my (Pat Helmers) good fortune I’ve been honored to become a member thanks to  Michelle Kelly. Today, December 15, 2020,  the Orange Squad is officially launched to the public.

dean-petrulakis orange squadIn this episode, founder Dean and I talk about the formation, structure and aims of the Orange Squad. We talk about the nature of creativity and the power of networking. Given the diverse membership of the Orange Squad, it’s unclear the exact course it will take. But Dean is certain, given the nature of creativity, the squad will serve the world with generosity and a smile.

But….. what’s this got to do with sales?


Dean is the Senior Vice President of Sales at LCP . We discuss how prospects buy on their own terms and how sellers must respect that process. We talk about relationship building and nurturing clients for more business. Most importantly, we emphasize the necessity for sellers to be creative in their relationships since it’s the foundation of selling success.

What’s a Creative?

What is a creative?  That term is under dispute but to make it simple, it’s any professional who uses creativity to push the bounds of their art. In the case of the Orange Squad  e.g marketing, writing, graphics, podcasting, event planning, health trainer, etc…   Creatives are collaborative and work for results beyond monetary wealth. They believe if you do what you love, the money will follow.

The Orange Squad of Creatives

Dean shared some of the plans to bring positive change to the world:

    • Website with insightful blog posts on the process of creativity.
    • Jam Session webinars that delve deep into the rabbit hole of creativity.
    • Podcast that facilitates, asks and answers insightful questions about the nature of creativity.

At first glance, the Orange Squad may look like a marketing agency. But that’s not the purpose of the collective. We believe in the power of networking and admit business may come from these relationships.  However business is not the ends, only the means. According to the website:

Your imagination inspires the rest of us. No joke. You are creative beyond belief. Ideas light the way for your workmates and family and friends. As your creative self grows, so does your career. ExpoNENtially. Our best self is oftentimes found in the embers of our creative fire. We feel the future and it is BRIGHT.

The Orange Squad is your community to explore, excite and accelerate creativity.

Take Action Orange Squad Advice

Dean shared three points sellers can  take action in their professional careers:

    1. Genuinely invest in your existing clients. Generously give your time, advice and all  you can do to help their success.
    2. Be careful if money is your guiding light. When you take a transactional view of business, business will vanish.
    3. Invest in process and develop trust. Play the long game knowing you will get what you give.

How To Find Dean Petrulakis

This Dean on LinkedIn

This is the Orange Squad

Thank Our Sponsor Habanero Media

We help busy B2B companies  attract new customers and clients through the magic of podcasting! Start your B2B podcast today and grow your brand, authority, influence and trust.

Download Why Your Business Needs a B2B Podcast here.

Sales Consulting To Grow Your Business

Pat helps technology startups and businesses discover the true value they bring to market, find customers who deeply appreciate that value then scale that process to extraordinary profits. We do this with modern 2020 sales and marketing techniques. 

Image result for linkedinImage result for emailImage result for telephone icon

Pushy sales doesn’t work! The key is to build trust over time. What  tools do we use?  LinkedIn, Email and the power of the Voice Mail.

We believe and teach the value of a helping mindset. Your prospective customers have challenges, hopes and aspirations. They need your help. All you need to do is build their trust, and faith, in your organization. Learn  how we help here. Once it’s clear you can help, you will have loyal clients for life. When you bring value you make sales. Or if you’re a startup, learn sales for engineers and skills to promote your new venture.

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.

Listening Options

You can find us on: