How To Unmask Authentic Selling #508

How To Unmask Authentic Selling #508

When I was new to selling I read a number of books on closing techniques and objection handling. I took their advice to craft scripts to memorize them like an actor in the theatre. It was a weak approach. The buyers never said the lines I expected and often I was dumbfounded about what to say. In this week’s Tao of Sales Babble we cast off the scripts and unmask to discover our authentic you, the person buyers want to meet, trust, and do business with.  Authentic selling is the topic for today. 

Today’s Chapter: Authentic Selling

Give up memorizing closing techniques and sales scripts
and your skills will multiply a hundredfold.
Give up professional handshakes and business etiquette
and you will rediscover connecting with buyers.
Give up number crunching and counting commission pennies
and your fears and concerns will disappear.

These tactics are masks of
outward form and conventional business practice.
They are not sufficient in and of themselves.

Instead, seek selling simplicity.
Realize the authentic seller.
Cast off the fake and step from the shadows.

Today’s Story

This was Chris’s first attempt at cold calling and Chris was struggling to remember the product features, benefits, pain points, and voicemail scripts. Selling felt forced and wooden and no matter how hard Chris tried, it wasn’t getting easier. It all felt like pretending.

Sensing Chris’s frustration, Pat sat in on a few calls. It was clear the issue wasn’t a memorization problem, but a complexity problem.  “Try this,” Pat said. “ Let’s say by dumb luck, the next person you called just happened to be an old friend. What would you say differently to them?” 

Chris thought for a moment. “Well, I probably would ask them if they had quality issues like the ones our customers face. If they say yes, I’d probably share some of the benefits of the product. If they were still interested, I’d move on and talk about the features.” 

“Wow,” said Pat, “that sounds like a good plan. Why not do that next time.”

Take Action Quote

In The Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale said, “Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.” 

Canned scripts with objection handling are all well and good but only go so far. It’s the authentic seller that buyers want to meet. Set aside false myths that you need to assert dominance and swagger when prospecting. Buyers are quick to discern arrogant behavior and do so at a moment’s notice. Be yourself. Keep it simple. Stay committed to helping your customers.

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have, and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discussed all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most importantly the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it.

This is a production of Habanero Media

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If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

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Why We Treat Buyers Like Family #507

Why We Treat Buyers Like Family #507

Each January I travel to a small island at the southernmost tip of the United States. Key West has a motto: “All people are equal members of One Human Family”. Not only do I agree with this, but apply this to prospective buyers.  In this episode, we investigate the power of building rapport and how viewing perfect strangers as Family can erase skepticism and cultivate trust, which is the foundation of any successful selling opportunity.

Today’s Chapter: Being a Cousin 

When selling
be a stranger to no one
Cousin to all
just like family, you rarely see
at the wedding or funeral.

Respectful yet genuine
catching up on their lives.
Gregarious yet authentic
accepting them for who they are.

The Master Seller is easy to know
Trusted at the start.

Today’s Story

Pat and Chris registered for a trade show. It was to be attended by many prospective clients. At the first panel of the opening day, the attendees were seated at round tables. Throughout the morning Pat chatted with everyone asking about their travels,  where they were from,  where they had eaten the night before,  and what they hoped to learn at the event. Pat treated them like old friends.

During the break, Chris asked Pat “Why aren’t you telling them more about our company and the new product announcement?  These people seem like a perfect fit for us!”   

Pat agreed, “They are a good fit but now is not the right time. Our goal is to build relationships, connect, and follow up at a later date. They are here to build relationships. The last thing they need is an infomercial!”   

“So what’s the plan?” asked Chris.  Pat responded,  “Throughout the conference, I’ve asked each of the prospects if they would like to continue the conversation at a later time. They all said yes.  

“Back at the office I’ll follow up and say how great it was to meet them and mention some detail they shared when we met. You become memorable this way.  When I ask to schedule a sales call, they’ll be happy to agree”.

Take Action Quote

Lao Tzu wrote, “Masters don’t accumulate, the more they help the happier they are. The more they give, the wealthier they are. ”

This is true for sellers too.

People are more alike than not and just like you have the same hopes, fears, wants, and needs. To know this is to know the interconnectedness of all humanity. Treating everyone as family cultivates trust, even with strangers. When buyers are open to listening, it’s effortless for sellers to help.

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have, and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discussed all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most importantly the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it.

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

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If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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A Good Seller is a Good Teacher #506

A Good Seller is a Good Teacher #506

Have you ever had a difficult customer that tested your patience? You want to do a good job, but it seems that all the prospect wants to do is to make it harder on themselves. Sure you want to help, but they don’t want to be helped. And now you can’t help but wonder why are they even talking to you. You know something is there, you think you think you can teach them a few things that would be good for their business. You might even be able to address their issues. But they’re not the good student. There is a part of you that doesn’t want to let it go and in the words of the Clash, you wonder “Should I stay or should I go now?” What does it mean to be a good teacher, that’s the topic for today.

Today’s Chapter: Sell By Not Selling 
A good seller sets aside concerns about making commissions.
They are not intent on closing.
Focused on helping the buyer
they keep an open mind.

What is a good seller?
The teacher of a bad buyer.
What is a bad buyer?
A good seller’s job.

If the seller is not respected
And the buyer is not attended to
confusion will arise
no matter how clever the seller.

The master seller takes care of all buyers
And abandons no one.

Today’s Story

Lee’s company had quality issues and started shopping for a solution that would raise product standards. Chris was excited to have the opportunity but as the sale progressed Chris found Lee to be a rude and difficult buyer.

Chris shared with Pat, “They don’t respect me, our company, or our products. They’re very skeptical and have wasted a lot of my time and I’m concerned I’ll never see any business from them.”

Head nodding Pat responded, “I know how you feel. I once had to deal with a rude and difficult prospect. But I hung in there and once I recognized their issues and the negative experience they’ve had with other vendors, I understood their behavior. They had been burned and didn’t want that to happen again. 

Lee may not be a good fit for us. That’s your call. But I urge patience. Try to help and teach them about our solutions. Don’t give up until they give up. Sales is a long game.”

Take Action Quote

“If you miss the present moment, you miss your appointment with life.”– Thich Nhat Hanh

It’s easy in sales to have shiny object syndrome and only get excited about the new deals in your pipeline. It’s difficult working with difficult customers but like they say if it was easy anybody could do it. As a seller, teaching is your core competency. Be mindful when qualifying, discovering, presenting, and closing.  A good teacher is like water that when poured into a vessel molds to whatever shape it is. The same is true of master sellers.

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have, and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discussed all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most importantly the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it.

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

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If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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How to Sell by Not Selling #505

How to Sell by Not Selling #505

In the timeless dance of commerce I’d like to reflect a bit on the business aspects of selling, the topic this podcast babbles about weekly. When you consider the profession of sales, what comes to mind? Is it a realm where one must assume the guise of a rapid-talking predator? Do you still hear at times the notion that selling requires you to be the elusive shark in the marketplace? It’s a pervasive belief, and indeed, a hurtful one. So let’s consider this: that the art of selling isn’t a slam dance to the rhythm of forceful persuasion. In fact, the most profound selling arises not from the act of selling itself. Rather, it emerges from a subtler dance—a waltz of not selling. Yes, this is a paradox. Fathom a sales process that flows like a river, effortlessly shaping its course without the turbulent eddies of aggressive pitches. This is our exploration and the topic of today’s episode, how to sell by not selling.

Today’s Chapter: Sell By Not Selling 

When the Master sells, prospects are hardly aware of it,
To them it’s just a conversation about their lives.

Next best is a seller who is loved.
Next, is one who is feared as sleazy.
The worst is one who is considered a huckster.

If you don’t trust the customer, you make them untrustworthy.

The Master Seller doesn’t talk, they act.
When the sale is closed the people say, “We chose wisely”

Today’s Story

Chris was excited to start a new sales position. The new company had great products and services that could save clients significant time while maintaining quality. Chris’s sales manager, Pat, took Chris out on their very first sales call. Chris was shocked that Pat never showed the slide show they had worked on all week.

When Chris and Pat first arrived at the client’s office.  Pat commented on one of the marketing posters on the wall, it was a new product and the prospects were quick to start talking about it. Next, the conversation wound around trends in the industry, the customer’s yearly goals, and challenges with supply chains which led to the services Pat and Chris came to talk about. Before Chris knew it, the prospects requested a quote for a 3-year contract!

“How did you do that?” Asked Chris. “We never even showed them the slide deck. All you did was talk to them! ” 

“Not exactly,” said Pat, “If you noticed, what we really did was ask a few targeted questions and let them tell us what they want and what they need. When I saw they had that one quality issue, I merely mentioned our solution, and bingo, they got excited. My goal is always to have the buyer know they chose wisely and of their own accord. That’s what I call master selling.”

Take Action Quote

Trust your customers to know what’s best for their business. If you listen you will know how you can help. There is no need to arm-twist or be unethical. Your goal is to make sure the buyers choose wisely.  Dismiss what our culture says about salespeople. Instead, create your own story about how you’ve made a difference. Nelson Mandela, anti-apartheid activist and politician once said, “We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in our hands to make a difference.”

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have, and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discussed all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most importantly the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it.

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

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If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

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How to Own Your  Mistakes #504

Prickly Cactus

How to Own Your  Mistakes #504

Nobody likes being called out for making a mistake or screwing up. It’s even worse when you have to apologize for your mistake or, worse yet, your company’s mistake.  Unfortunately, once in a while, this situation pops up and it’s extremely uncomfortable for the sales professional. It’s not the end of the world. You just have to own up to it and move on. If you’ve made a mistake, don’t worry. Apologize, learn from it, and move on. It’s not rocket science. It’s just common sense. That’s the topic for this episode: How to own your mistakes.

Today’s Chapter: Owning Up To Mistakes

A Master Seller knows they are not perfect.
When they make a mistake, they realize it.
Having realized it, they own up to it.
Having owned up to it, they correct it.
They consider clients who point out their faults as their teachers.

They think of their competition,
as being as perfect and flawed as themselves.

Today’s Story

Chris screwed up and Chris knew it. Lee asked Chris for two simple requests, but Chris forgot and now Chris was scrambling. The lack of attention was noticed and Lee considered yanking the contract. What was Chris to do?

Chris turned to Pat and asked, “I know I messed up but it’s not all my fault. Lee never returned the evaluation report and our own support department never got back to me and now we’re in this predicament! I’m afraid Lee is going to leave us for the competition. How can I fix it?”   

Pat answered. “We’re only human. People make mistakes and when they happen it’s best to come clean and own them. I get that it’s not all your fault, but we’re the face of the company. It’s for us to take the blame and make it right. Tell them it’s all our fault. Tell them we should have done better. Don’t get into the details,  ask them what we can do to make this right. Own it completely. “

“You think that will work?” asked Chris.

Pat responded, “Yes, in fact, you may find  Lee to be very generous and forgiving. What Lee mostly wants is to be heard. Listen and this client can be saved. 

Take Action Quote

Humans make mistakes. You are flawed and so too your company. Pretending to be perfect only lasts so long. Customers know when they’ve been wronged and the sooner you own the mistake the faster you can make things right.

No one is perfect. Neither are your competitors. All customers want to know is that you are looking out for them. Show them you do.

Joe Hyams the author of “Zen and the Martial Arts” wrote, “When a problem arises, don’t fight with it or try to deny it. Accept and acknowledge it. Be patient in seeking a solution or opening, and then fully commit yourself to the resolution you think advisable.”

Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have, and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discussed all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most importantly the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it.

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

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If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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What is The Tao of Sales Babble #493

What is The Tao of Sales Babble #493

Each week we apply the Taoist philosophy to some aspect of sales. We may talk about prospecting, qualifying, and closing, and share some practical Taoist examples using little parables involving Pat, Chris, and Lee. I’m unusually fascinated by this topic, a bit of a fanatic,  and have coined this topic the Tao of Sales Babble. Why babble? To quote Lao Tzu, “Sincere words are not fine; Fine words are not sincere.” Lao Tzu taught that understanding and wisdom do not necessarily rely on eloquent or elaborate speech. When it comes to sales, there is a plethora of babble about selling, and most of it is negative. I believe true wisdom comes from sincerity and a deeper connection to the fundamental truths. That’s what I call the Tao of Sales Babble. Today let’s babble about those fundamental truths. 

Today’s Chapter –  Tao of Sales Babble

The Tao of Sales Babble is the center of all selling.
the seasoned seller’s treasure,
the new seller’s refuge.

Honors can be won with fine pitches
Respect can be earned by exceeding quota.
But the Tao of Sales Babble is for everyone,
not just the rich and powerful.

Don’t offer the new leader,
Platitudes and praise,
Offer the the Tao of Sales Babble.
Its wisdom never runs out.

Why is it respected? Because it works.
You can always find what you need in it.
When you make a mistake, it’s forgiven.
Trouble never finds you.

Today’s  Story –

The new boss, Pat,  started today. Chris had heard that Pat had a storied career and held company records for the number of closed sales and revenue dollars. Given Pat’s record Chris assumed Pat was another hard-charging sales manager, bent on being the best, and richest. 

“It’s great to meet you, Chris,” Pat started.  “I‘d like to learn all about you, what you’re working on, and your expectations for the year. Do you have a sales philosophy? What is it?”

Chris took in a deep breath and considered pivoting by complimenting Pat and repeating back all the accolades that had been shared on Pat’s bio. But as a  devotee of the Tao of Sales Babble Chris took a different path. 

“I think it’s best to take each deal as it comes and let the buyers dictate the pace and scale. Strong arming prospects into buying never works. It’s best to have a full sales funnel and let the deals work at their own schedule. That’s how I’ve found success.”

Pat smiled when hearing this. It was unexpected. With a lowered voice Pat said, “Chris, I think you and I are going to get along very well.”

Take Action Quote

Lao Tzu says,

All streams flow to the sea because it is lower than they are. Humility gives it its power. If you want to govern the people, you must place yourself below them. If you want to lead the people, you must learn how to follow them.

This is what it means to be a good boss. The Tao of Sales Babble is for all sellers. It has a feel that’s egalitarian. It doesn’t lord over anyone. The Tao of Sales Babble is instinctual. once you know it, you know what to do.   It cannot be put into words, but we do what we can on this podcast. 

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How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is deeply understanding what buyers need, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have, and helping them to make a decision that is both good for their business and yours. See

This is a production of Habanero Media

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If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat with Pat now.

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Why Weakness Trumps Strength When Selling #481

Why Weakness Trumps Strength When Selling  #481

Have you ever noticed that sometimes selling is like playing a never-ending game of hide-and-seek, except the prospects are world champions in hiding what they really and truly desire?  Just when you quote them a solution, the rug gets pulled out from under you and you have to restart! What a pain, right? With that said it’s easy to forget the golden rule; he who has the gold, rules. But lest we forget since the buyers are the ones with the money, it matters more to them to get the decision right. Forcing them to make a decision with a showing of strength and command is a misguided closing approach. More often than not, showing weakness vs strength is the ticket for success.

Today’s Chapter: Weakness Trumps Strength

Some in sales think strength will win the day,
but strength will break
where weakness remains intact.

An oak tree is stronger than a blade of grass,
Yet storms can uproot it in a moment
while the grass remains.

With flexibility, match the prospect’s personality.
Warm, if they want warm.
Professional, if they want professional.
Follow their tone, speed, and pace.
Whatever they want.
Whatever they need.

In deference find strength
and in surrender success.

Today’s Story

Chris returned to the office in frustration and when seeing Pat said, “When I first met Lee’s team they told me their challenge and I recommended Layout 1. It’s the right choice. But then Lee changed the requirement so I gave them a quote for a  Layout 2. Today they change requirements again, which sounds like a Layout 3, yet I still think Layout 1 is the right choice. It’s so frustrating. This entire deal is turning out to be an act of self-flagellation.” 

Pat couldn’t help but laugh and said, “I can understand your impatience but your strong conviction on quoting Layout 1 is jeopardizing your deal.”

“How so?” said Chris.

“You’re being inflexible. You forget that it’s Lee’s company that’s paying for the product. You don’t work there, nor do you have access to their books. It’s presumptive for you to assume what’s best for them.”

Chris blinked then Pat went on. “You need to be like water. Consider when you pour water into a container it conforms and takes its shape. Instead of being stiff in our opinions, it’s better to remain loose and supple during the negotiations.”

“I see,” said Chris. 

“Yes,” said Pat. “It’s by yielding to the prospect’s concerns, you create space for the solution to become self-evident. Relent for the opportunity of reward.

Take Action Quote for Strength Selling

In chapter 76 of the Tao Te Ching Lao Tzu said,

Thus whoever is stiff and inflexible is a disciple of death. Whoever is soft and yielding is a disciple of life.

Not all deals are life-and-death situations. But deals do have a life of their own and when we fail to accommodate the buyer, deals have a way of vanishing.   

The philosopher Albert Camus said,  

Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken.

This is also true for sellers. Being strong needn’t mean being stiff. Sometimes strength can be found in weakening your grip.


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This is the Cannabis Advocate Podcast 

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is deeply understanding what buyers need, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have, and helping them to make a decision that is both good for their business and yours. See

This is a production of Habanero Media

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If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat with Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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How to Get a Handle on Objection Handling #480

How to Get a Handle on Objection Handling #480


If you’ve had any experience in sales you know that sometimes closing a deal is harder than walking a dog through a forest of squirrels. Around every turn, they’re tugging the leash, wrapping it around your legs, wrenching your wrists, and once in a while, slipping out of the collars and it’s off to the races. What’s a seller to do? It can be frustrating working with a prospect that won’t buy nor will they say they won’t buy. They just can’t make up their mind. Do you want it or don’t you want it?  It’s all so confusing, right? How to get a handle on objection handling. That’s the topic for today.

Today’s Chapter: Objection Handling

In pursuit of a deal
every day an objection appears.
In pursuit of closing a deal
each day an objection is dropped.

Can I afford it?
Do I have to take it as is?
Does this work with what I have?
Can I have it with a modification?
Will my people accept the change?
What’s the ROI?

Let objections tumble until non-objection is achieved.
This is closing the sale.

Today’s Story

Chris was frustrated with the Lee deal. Chris first meet them six months ago. In the three sales meetings since Lee has consistently pushed back with objection after objection. 

In frustration, Chris told Pat, “No matter how many questions I answer Lee comes up with another issue that stops them from buying. They’re just making excuses and wasting my time.”

“Hardly,” said Pat. “If they’re not interested they wouldn’t keep agreeing to meet. Every objection is actually a signal for more information.”

“Really?” said Chris. 

“Absolutely,” said Pat. “They want to buy. They’ve already made that decision. They just want to know if they pull the trigger they won’t regret it. Buckle up! This could take a while. But with time and patience, you can close this deal.”

Take Action Quote

Lao Tze wrote,

In pursuit of knowledge, every day something is added. In the practice of the Tao, every day something is dropped.

This is true for buyers too. 

When buyers first learn about a new product they are excited to see if it’s the answer to their prayers. At the same time, they’re filled with an abundance of concerns. It’s a fact that the world is ever-changing, nevertheless “fear of change” is the primary buyer concern. How do you address this? 

You just have to accept it when it comes to objection handling. Accept the anxious buyer and all their anxious apprehensions. But keep in mind that objections are signposts that the buyer wants to buy. Be the patient seller, answer all objections, and in time,  it will all work out. 

Habanero Media Network

You too can start a B2B podcast today. Listen to our other podcasts at Habanero Media and discover podcasting that can ignite your selling success.

This is the Cannabis Advocate Podcast 

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is deeply understanding what buyers need, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to make a decision that is both good for their business and yours. See

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

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If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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How To Allow a Buying Decision Without Forcing #479

How To Allow a Buying Decision Without Forcing #479

When it comes to the enterprise sale I liken the seller to a ringmaster at the circus choreographing multiple acts happening all at once with dogs and ponies over here, aerial acrobats up there. There are a lot of moving parts and often times the buyers have competing and conflicting interests.  So it begs the question what’s a seller to do to bring order out of all this disorder?  The Tao teaches wu-wei actionless action and not force a decision on anyone. But what’s the best way to get the team to make a buying decision? That’s the topic for today.

Today’s Chapter: The Wise Decision Maker

The buyer values tradition.
Fearful of flash in the pans,
They prefer the serious,
the powerful,
And the so-called safe.

Yet the market is a series of spontaneous changes.
To resist only creates sorrow.
It’s the wise decision-maker who knows they don’t know.

The Master Seller speaks of the risk of avoiding risk
And how when spring comes
The grass grows itself.

Today’s Story

Chris was managing a large business-to-business deal and it was getting out of hand. There were many members on the team and just as many factions. No one could agree on what they wanted much less agree on buying Chris’s offering. Unsure what to do Chris knocked on Pat’s door.

Chris started, “Remember the Lee deal I talked about last month, the one with the humongous buying team? Well, they’re stuck and I can’t make any headway. Where am I screwing this up?”

Pat laughed, “Yes I remember that deal. If I recall they’re risk intolerant and prefer the status quo which is always your biggest competitor. Doesn’t Lee have the final say?”

“Supposedly yes.” said Chris, “but I’m not certain.”

Pat paused and then said, “Smart organizations are good with change if … it happens in an orderly manner. What they hate is having change shoved on them. Some people will fight to the end on stopping change.”

Pat then went on, “Lee is your best choice. Meet with them separately and talk frankly about risk. Show how it’s risky assuming the current circumstances won’t change. They will!  Like the seasons, the markets are always in flux. This is especially true in Lee’s industry. To not decide, is to decide.”

Take Action Quote

Lao Tze wrote,

“In pursuit of knowledge, every day something is added. In the practice of the Tao, every day something is dropped.”

As sellers it’s easy to get excited about a new product or service, forgetting that most people have years invested in the tried and true. You can’t force change or a buying decision.  It’s only with kindness and patience can we create space for buyers to drop past beliefs and arrive at frictionless action. When the old disappears, space is made for the new.

Habanero Media Network

You too can start a B2B podcast today. Listen to our other podcasts at Habanero Media and discover podcasting that can ignite your selling success.

This is the Cannabis Advocate Podcast 

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is deeply understanding what buyers need, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to make a decision that is both good for their business and yours. See

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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Why Action Speaks Louder than Words #465

Why Action Speaks Louder than Words #465

There’s a lot of sales babble out there that it takes a big personality and fast talking to be good at sales. There’s also a lot of people who think sales is a yucky business and avoid dealing with sales people as best they can. I get why people feel that way. Consider all the  myths in movies like the Wolf Of Wall Street.. But in real life, it’s just not true. Buyers like to buy but they hate to be sold. These days, great sellers show what they have and their actions speak louder than words. That’s the topic for today

Today’s Chapter: Those Who Talk Don’t Know

Those who know the market, don’t talk.
Those who talk, don’t know the market.
Action speaks louder than words.

Close your mouth.
Be still and relax.
Let go of trying to close the prospect.
Don’t talk about you,
Ask about them.

When you get right with the Tao of Sales Babble,
you don’t worry about winning or losing,
nor looking good or being embarrassed.

You’re OK that what happens, happens.

Today’s Story

Chris’s company had the good fortune to be considered for a large contract. Chris was responsible for the deal. Pat called Chris into the office to hear the plan. 

Giddy with excitement Chris said .“First I’m going to show them all the happy customers we have, then the positive online reviews, then I have the new video marketing just produced then for the demo …… “

Raising a hand Pat retorted. 

“Whoa whoa whoa slow down. We think we have a good solution for them, but we don’t really know, do we?”

“What do you mean?” said Chris.

Pat went on “Well we’ve read about their challenges in the press but wouldn’t it make more sense to directly ask them what they want versus hearing it second hand?” 

Chris blinked “I just assumed they’re going to want our solution because that’s what all our customers want.”

Pat smiled, “You may be right Chris, but you may be wrong. Let’s stop the  babble and work this opportunity properly. Let’s show them we’re good listeners by being a good listener. Let’s let our actions speak louder than words. If we’re a good match they’ll buy. If not the deal was never meant to be”

Take Action Quote

Back in the day you had to be a fast talker to be successful in sales. A sales call was a performance and it was the only way a buyer could learn about a company’s products. Times have changed. Today the Internet gives buyers instant access to brochures, spec sheets and multiple choice. The tables have turned and sellers are wise to let the buyers do the talking. Qualified buyers will ask to see the solution. For the seller it’s a case of do, not speak. 

To quote Benjamin Franklin.

“Well done is better than well said.”

Habanero Media Network

You too can start a B2B podcast today. Listen to our other podcasts at Habanero Media and discover podcasting how can ignite your selling success.

This is the Cannabis Advocate Podcast 

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discuss all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most important the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it.

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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